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Topic category: Mod showcase and discussion
Villager Venture is a mod that adds realism to residents. They will have characteristics, hunger, thirst for water, etc. (more in the future).
Here we can talk about what I would add to villager. This mod is under development
So, this is my second project that I present to you. The idea of the mod is to turn ordinary and boring villagers into intelligent creatures. I will share the stages of mod development.
Also, you can always tell me what you would like to add. For example, a villager with the "Brave" quality will start attacking all hostile mobs (I have already implemented this).
how did you implement the brave quality? might use it in my own mod
dsadasdas It was easy. To begin with, I created the "on loaded entity tick update" trigger. Next, I decided to use the "for each entity in square cube size" block so that I could create a check, if the villager does not have an attack target from the monster category, and there is a monster within a radius of 32 blocks, then this monster will be the target of the villager's attack.
After that, as it turned out, villager does not follow his goal. I decided to create a second check, if the villager has an attack target, then it follows the monster.
But when everything worked, I noticed that villager was not attacking. I decided to create a workaround and a very simple way using NBT tags. If the NBT tag "attackTimer" of the villager is less than 20 (20 ticks = 1 second), then it will be added by 1. And already in another trigger I created a check, if the target of the attack is within the radius of 2 blocks, then damage the monster from the villager (I will not show this trigger, let it be yours the exam after my explanations)

P.s there is no "set attack targeting to none" in MCreator, I used the "Procedure+" plugin
At the moment, the development of the mod lasts only 5 days. Already during this time I was able to add to the villagers:
1. Food system;
2. Weapon system;
3. Water system;
4. The armor system;
5. State system;
The first version of the mod is almost ready! It will be interesting if you like this or not? As always, you can share your opinions in order for me to improve the mod as much as possible.
(I even made it so that a villager can start a revolution in his village...)
Exactly one week has passed since the start of development on the mod. During this time, I was able to fix all the bugs and released the first stable version.
In the next update, the villagers will have the ability to believe in God.
The idea of the update is taken from the Cult of the lamb game.
Okay, I got so carried away that I accidentally transferred a lot of ideas from Cult of the lamb to my mod... But this is a mod about realistic villagers, not about gods! I will make it so that the player can choose for himself how he will develop his villagers. However, I plan to add many more features from other games to my mod
Still, I hurried with the release of the mod..
Consider the next update revolutionary. I have already deleted a lot and redone almost everything that was in the mod
What's it?
From the next update, the mod will be very difficult to master. At the moment, there is so much information in it that it is difficult for me to remember everything myself. Even more than in my first mod (CCSM)...