Upvotes: 2
Project status
In development
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
An (admittedly not so minor) tweak to Elytra mechanics to try and make things a bit more balanced. Originally, I was going to implement Mojang's idea of only damaging Elytra when boosting with fireworks. This proved more complicated than expected, so instead, Elytra will now consume a (configurable) amount of EXP while the user is in flight, and will only take damage if the user's EXP is fully depleted. (At which point they'll take damage pretty rapidly.)
- Elytra consumes EXP at a rate of about 1 orb per second of flight. (This is configurable.)
- This scales with the player's velocity; maxing out at about 6 orbs per second at maximum firework speed. (This is also configurable)
- When the player's EXP runs out, Elytra occasionally make hissing noises and produce bursts of soul fire particles to warn the player that their wings are taking damage.
- When Elytra is very low on durability, it makes an incessant hissing noise, and emits a trail of soul particles, giving about a 10-15 second warning before breaking.
This has some pretty big impacts for gameplay, which I may or may not have tested thoroughly. Namely:
- Elytra can still be overpowered if you happen to have an EXP farm- however, (unlike their current state), they thus still require some form of infrastructure as a mode of transportation: you either need sources of EXP at other destinations, or a big enough supply of Sculk/Experience Bottles to always ensure you have enough fuel. This is my biggest qualm with Elytra- with sufficient enchantments, they essentially allow the user creative flight, with next to no downsides.
- Enchantments such as Mending, Unbreaking, etc; are now largely pointless for Elytra, as they'll only repair already damaged wings/slow the breaking process respectively.
To calculate Flight Duration/EXP Cost, check out the Soulytra Flight Calculator. (Download a copy of the spreadsheet to give it a try.)
Modification files
SoulytraV3.jar - Latest version, for 1.20.1Uploaded on: 09/19/2023 - 18:43 File size: 27.37 KB