[ Recycling : This is a migration from 1.12.2 to 1.16.5. There may be a change in some things ]
[ Quantiam Legacy ] - Big mod
There are two dimensions in Fashion: Ender and Elemental. Note : tools in fashion are very powerful
First you need to get to the edge and collect the Ender dust from there. Dust can be used to make Istrumetes and what is important is a charged obsidian and a lighter for him and we will get into the first world.
In this world there are new ores for the next portal, but it is better to steal resources from structures, but this will be prevented by different endermen. And so we created a lighter and now the blocks are a bloody stone that is doused with blood that can be obtained through cans. And now we are all in the second world.
Now we are in the elemental dimension here is divided into 4 elements : Blood - Quantum - Relic - Mult
Each element has fortresses, there are also ordinary ones with unique weapons, but there are also big bosses in them. Souls drop from bosses, and legendary items can be crafted from all souls.
Separate category: Darkness
In the ordinary world, you can find dark magicians from which a robe and a staff can be drawn.
In the elemental dimension is their fortress. You can also knock out a dark soul. In the fortress, you can find resources from which dark tools are made and also a dark legendary chestpiece.
The mod in the finale is divided into two paths: Light and Dark. Therefore, you choose
By the way, there are rings in the mod that can help against bosses :
Blood Ring - Allows you to immediately restore lives through hunger
Relic Ring - Shooting around with poisoned arrows
Quantum Ring - Stops time for mobs
Mult-Ring - Makes a glass shield
Dark Ring - Immunity to darkness
Quantiam Legacy 1.9 - Mini-Patch. Fixed a bug with a dark mage and added the ability to multi-endo chestplate
Quantiam Legacy 1.8 - Finished mod
Quantiam Legacy 1.6 - Added book and fixed ender forest dimension
Quantiam Legacy 1.5 - Fixing bosses and adding a ring
Quantiam Legacy 1.3 - Basic things