Puzzle Code

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
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Puzzle Code is a mod designed in creating maps, doing experiments and having unlimited freedom with your creation.

This mod conains over 400+ items, useful in creating maps.

Blocks have configurable interfaces that you can change the block's setting by your likings! 

Trailer Here


Highly Configurable BlocksOver 400+ Items

I hope you have fun with the blocks. Don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts about this mod and eventually to give me ideas of features that you want me to implement in this mod !

Note: Beta Releases will NOT be posted on MCreator due to file limit and bugs being present. If you really want to test the new features please Download from one of the Websites listed below.


Made in MCreator

Available On: 



Github (Source)

Modification files
Puzzle Code [V2.0.1] (FORGE) - 1.20.1.jar - 1.20.1Uploaded on: 03/23/2024 - 13:49   File size: 9.61 MB
Puzzle Code [V2.0.1] (FORGE) - 1.19.4.jar - 1.19.4Uploaded on: 03/23/2024 - 13:49   File size: 9.6 MB
Puzzle Code Workspace [V2.0.1] - 1.20.1 - mcreator 2023.4_0.zip - SourceUploaded on: 03/23/2024 - 13:50   File size: 5.33 MB

--- 2.0.1 ---

Texture Changes:

  • Direction To Axis Code Block

Internal (no effect on the gameplay):

  • Preparation for Red/Blue Switcher Block GUI (with the planned changes)
  • Preparation textures added

--- 2.0 ---

New Item:

  • Block Toggler

Texture Changes for:

  • Command Code Block
  • Hp of Entity To Number Code Block
  • Max HP To Entity Number Code Block
  • Equal Axis Direction Code Block
  • Unequal Axis Direction Code Block
  • Item Inventory To Item Code Block
  • Item To Item Inventory Code Block
  • Item NBT To Logic Code Block
  • Item NBT To Number Code Block
  • Item NBT To Text Code Block
  • Item NBT To Position Code Block
  • Number To Item NBT Code Block
  • Text To Item NBT Code Block
  • Logic To Item NBT Code Block
  • Position To Item NBT Code Block
  • NBT To Property Logic Code Block
  • NBT To Property Number Code Block
  • NBT To Property Text Code Block
  • Property To NBT Text Code Block
  • Property To NBT Number Code Block
  • Property To NBT Logic Code Block
  • Property Transfer Logic Code Block
  • Property Transfer Text Code Block
  • Property Transfer Number Code Block
  • Uppercase Text Code Block
  • Rotate Clockwise Transfer Code Block
  • Rotate Counterclockwise Transfer Code Block
  • Logarithm Number Code Block
  • Round Number Code Block
  • Round Up Number Code Block
  • Round Down Number Code Block
  • Radians To Degrees Number Code Block
  • Degrees To Radians Number Code Block
  • Unequal Direction Code Block
  • Unequal Item Code Block
  • Unequal Logic Code Block
  • Unequal Text Code Block
  • And others...

New Tags:

  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/strenght
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/strenght
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/unluck
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/unluck
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/water_breathing
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/water_breathing
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/weakness
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/weakness
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/wither
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/wither
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/yellow_switcher
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/yellow_switcher

Tag Changes:

  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_block

=== Beta ===

--- 2.0 beta 11 ---

New Blocks:

  • Chain Area Code Block
  • Chain Position Code Block
  • Chain Neutral Code Block
  • Survival Area Code Block
  • Survival Position Code Block
  • Survival Neutral Code Block

Texture Changes:

  • Addition Number Code Block
  • Substraction Number Code Block
  • Multiplication Number Code Block
  • Division Number Code Block
  • Radical Number Code Block
  • Modulo Number Code Block
  • Power Number Code Block
  • And Logic Code Block
  • Or Logic Code Block
  • Xor Logic Code Block
  • Nand Logic Code Block
  • Nor Logic Code Block
  • Xnor Logic Code Block
  • Bigger Than Number Code Block
  • Bigger Or Equal Than Number Code Block
  • Smaller Than Number Code Block
  • Smaller Or Equal Than Number Code Block
  • Logic To Number Code Block
  • Text To Direction Code Block
  • Text To Number Code Block
  • Direction To Position Number Code Block
  • Merge Text Code Block
  • Uppercase Text Code Block
  • Item To Text Code Block
  • Numer Of Items Code Block
  • Position To Area Code Block
  • Lenght Of Text Code Block
  • Energy To Number Code Block
  • Fluid To Number Code Block
  • Block From Position Code Block
  • Max Stack of Items Code Block
  • Chat Texter Code Block 
  • Title Text Code Block
  • Day Number Code Block
  • Month Number Code Block
  • Year Number Code Block
  • Equal Number Code Block
  • Equal Logic Code Block
  • Equal Text Code Block
  • Equal Direction Code Block
  • Equal Item Code Block


  • puzzle_code:effect_items
  • puzzle_code:healing_blocks
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/number/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/logic/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/text/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/item/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/direction/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/position/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/area/value
  • puzzle_code:code_blocks/neutral/value
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/levitation
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/levitation
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/luck  
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/luck
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/mining_fatigue  
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/mining_fatigue
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/nausea
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/nausea
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/night_vision
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/night_vision
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/regeneration
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/regeneration
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/resistance
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/resistance
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/saturation
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/saturation
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/slow_falling
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/slow_falling
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/slowness
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/slowness
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/speed
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/speed


Tag Changes:

  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_block

Tags Removed:

  • forge:healing_blocks

Added Special Information for some blocks. These blocks will not be updated in this update!


  • Some Texture Renaming

--- 2.0 beta 10 ---

New Blocks:

  • Transfer Area Code Block
  • Left Transfer Area Code Block
  • Right Transfer Area Code Block

New Tags:

  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks (w.i.p)
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_block (w.i.p)
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/blindness
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/blindness
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/conduit_power
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/conduit_power
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/darkness
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/darkness
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/dolphins_grace
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/dolphins_grace
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/glowing
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/glowing
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/haste
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/haste
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/hunger
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/hunger
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/invisibility
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/invisibility
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/jump_boost
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/jump_boost


  • puzzle_code:normal_checkpoint_blocks
  • puzzle_code:in_checkpoint_blocks
  • puzzle_code:entity_control_blocks

Texture Changes:

  • Transfer Logic Code Blocks
  • Transfer Text Code Blocks
  • Transfer Item Code Blocks
  • Transfer Neutral Code Blocks
  • Transfer Position Code Blocks
  • Opposite Transfer Logic Code Blocks
  • Opposite Transfer Direction Code Blocks
  • Filler Number Code Block
  • Filler Logic Code Block
  • Filler Text Code Block
  • Filler Item Code Block
  • Filler Direction Code Block
  • Logic Clicking Switching Code Block
  • Randomizer Integer Number Code Block
  • Randomizer Number Code Block
  • Randomizer Direction Code Block
  • Randomizer Item From Tag Code Block
  • Min Number Code Block
  • Max Number Code Block
  • Number Code Item
  • Logic Code Item
  • Text Code Item
  • Item Code Item
  • Direction Code Item
  • Position Code Block Item
  • Effect Remover Item
  • Item Remover Item
  • Is Item In Item Tag Code Block
  • Is Block In Block Tag Code Block
  • Direction To Redstone Code Block
  • Logic To Redstone Code Block
  • Number To Redstone Code Block
  • Redstone To Logic Code Block
  • Redstone to Direction Code Block
  • Redstone To Number Code block
  • Number To Text Code Block
  • Number To Direction Code Block
  • Chunk Loader
  • Effect Remover Block
  • Item Remover Block

Preparation for new code blocks

Removed Item Rarity text color for (almost) all Items 


  • Left & Right Transfer Position Code Block works properly now

--- 2.0 beta 9 ---

Texture Changes:

  • All Global Blocks
  • Number Code Blocks
  • Logic Code Blocks
  • Text Code Blocks
  • Item Code Blocks
  • Direction Code Blocks
  • Position Code Block
  • Area Code Block
  • Neutral Code Block
  • Transfer Number Code Blocks
  • Imitator Number Code Block
  • Imitator Logic Code Block
  • Imitator Text Code Block
  • Imitator Item Code Block
  • Imitator Direction Code Block
  • Teleporter Number Code Block
  • Teleporter Logic Code Block
  • Teleporter Text Code Block
  • Teleporter Item Code Block
  • Teleporter Direction Code Block
  • Opposite Transfer Number Code Block
  • e Number Code Block
  • pi Number Code Block
  • All Empty Code Block Textures (the side that doesn't have notation)
  • Fake Block

New Item Tags:

  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/levitation
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/luck
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/mining_fatigue
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/nausea
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/night_vision
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/poison
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/regeneration
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/resistance
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/saturation
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/slow_falling
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/slowness
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/speed
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/strength
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/unluck
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/water_breathing
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/weakness
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/wither
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/yellow_switcher

Tag Changes:

  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks (added more tags)

Full Rotation for:

  • Chain Number Code Block
  • Chain Logic Code Block
  • Chain Text Code Block
  • Chain Item Code Block
  • Chain Direction Code Block
  • Teleporter Number Code Block
  • Teleporter Logic Code Block
  • Teleporter Text Code Block
  • Teleporter Item Code Block
  • Teleporter Direction Code Block

Model Changes for:

  • Chain Number Code Block
  • Chain Logic Code Block
  • Chain Text Code Block
  • Chain Item Code Block
  • Chain Direction Code Block
  • Teleporter Number Code Block
  • Teleporter Logic Code Block
  • Teleporter Text Code Block
  • Teleporter Item Code Block
  • Teleporter Direction Code Block


  • Replacer doesn't crash the game anymore

Internal Changes:

  • Some Texture Renaming

--- 2.0 beta 8 ---

Deleted all current Puzzle Code Tags and Replaced with new ones

Preparation for a texture update

New Item Tags:

  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/blindness
  • puzzle_code:normal_effect_blocks/blindness (preparation)
  • puzzle_code:in_effect_blocks/blindness (preparation)
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks (incomplete)
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/conduit_power
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/dolphins_grace
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/fire_resistance
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/glowing
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/haste
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/hunger
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/invisibility
  • puzzle_code:effect_blocks/jump_boost
  • more comming in the next update

New Blocks:

  • Is Block In Block Tag Code Block
  • Is Item In Item Tag Code block

Texture changes:

  • Entity Detector
  • Fire Damage Item
  • Health Regeneration Item
  • Instant Health Item
  • Energy Code Block textures
  • Fluid Code block textures
  • Entity Teleporter Block
  • Instant Hunger Blocks
  • Instant Saturation Blocks
  • BOX

Internal changes:

  • Some Texture Renaming

--- 2.0 beta 7 ---

No longer support for 1.19.2

New Items:

  • Position Code Item
  • Timed Logic Code Block (hidden, doesn't work properly)

GUI Changes

  • Filler Number Code Block
  • Filler Logic Code Block
  • Filler Text Code Block
  • Filler Direction Code Block
  • Filler Item Code Block
  • Teleporter Number Code Block
  • Teleporter Direction Code Block
  • Teleporter Logic Code Block
  • Teleporter Text Code Block
  • Teleporter Item Code Block

Texture Changes:

  • All Instant Health Blocks
  • All Fire Kill Blocks
  • Blue Switching Block
  • Blue Setter Block
  • Red Switching Block
  • Red Setter Block
  • Red/Blue Switcher Block
  • Red & Blue Switching Items
  • Red or Blue Swithcing Item
  • Instant Health Item
  • Fire Kill Item
  • Near Entity Switching Blocks
  • Near Entity Yellow Switching Blocks
  • Timed Switching Block


  • Filler Text Code Block can now store NBT (fix)
  • Item NBT To Text Code Block had now default NBT (fix)


  • MCreator updated from 2023.3 to 2023.4

--- 2.0 beta 6 ---

New Blocks [16]:

  • Left Transfer Position Code Block
  • Right Transfer Position Code Block
  • Number To Item NBT Code Block
  • Logic To Item NBT Code Block
  • Text To Item NBT Code Block
  • Item To Item Inventory Code Block
  • Random Direction Code Block
  • Block From Position Code Block
  • Area Code Block
  • Positions To Area Code Block
  • Random Item From Tag Code Block
  • Left Transfer Neutral Code Block
  • Right Transfer Neutral Code Block
  • Reverse Imitator Switching Code Block
  • Survival Direction Code Block
  • Chain Direction Code Block

Blocks Removed and Readded (due to name changes):

  • Item To Item Code Block to Item Inventory To Item Code Block

Texture Changes:

  • Clicking Switching Block
  • Damage Block
  • Health Changer Block
  • Kill Item
  • Damage Item

General Changes:

  • Small reordering in the Puzzle Code Tab.
  • Block Rotator can rotate any block now (except logs because is stored differently)


  • Property to NBT Number Code Block had the wrong textures

Internal Changes:

  • Some Texture Renaming
  • Preparation For following updates
  • Some minor changes

--- 2.0 beta 5 ---

New Blocks:

  • Item NBT to Number Code Block
  • Item NBT to Logic Code Block
  • Item NBT to Text Code Block
  • Direction To Position Code Block
  • Transition Position Code Block 
  • Teleporter Direction Code Block
  • Direction To Axis Code Block
  • Item To Item Code Block

New Items:

  • Block Rotator

Texture Changes:

  • All Chain Switching Blocks

General Changes:

  • Some re-ordering in the Code Blocks Tab


  • Fluid To Number Code Block will now search for the correct tank.
  • Direction Code Item GUI Down Button Fix
  • Logic Code Item was storing the nbt in the block instead of the Item.
  • Logic Code Item GUI was having the Block's version GUI.
  • Fix Left Transfer Text Code Block Texture.

--- 2.0 beta 4 ---

New Blocks:

  • Energy To Number Code Block
  • Fluid To Number Code Block

Small Changes.

Updated to 1.20.1

--- 2.0 beta 3 ---

New Blocks:

  • Position Code Block
  • Transfer Neutral Code Block
  • Redstone To Direction Code Block
  • Direction To Redstone Code Block (not working properly at the moment)


  • The following Blocks can rotate on all sides now:
    • Property Transfer Number Code Block
    • Opposite Number Code Block
    • NBT To Property Number Code Block
    • Property To NBT Number Code Block
    • Degrees To Radians Number Code Block
    • Radians To Degrees Number Code Block
    • Property Transfer Logic Code Block
    • NBT To Property Logic Code Block
    • Property To NBT Logic Code Block
    • Opposite Logic Code Block
    • Uppercase Text Code Block
    • Lowercase Text Code Block
    • Property Text Code Block
    • NBT To Property Text Code Block
    • Property To NBT Text Code Block
    • Opposite Transfer Direction Code Block
    • Rotate Clockwise Transfer Direction Code Block
    • Rotate Counterclockwise Transfer Direction Code Block
    • Item To Text Code Block
    • Name Of Items Code Block
    • Lenght Of Text Code Block
  • Texture changes for All Left & Right Transfer Code Blocks
  • Some Reordering in the Code Blocks Creative Tab
  • You Can Now use the following text for the Text To Direction Code Block: D, U, N, S, W, E


  • Direction Code Item is in the correct creative tab.

Internal Changes:

  • New Block Models For:
    • Every Transfer Code block & Chain Switching Block (transfer block)
    • Left & Right Transfer Code Block (transfer left block, transfer right block)
  • Removed Unnecesary Textures
  • Neutral Code Block Update Tick Procedure Variable Naming Changes (due to confusion)

--- 2.0 beta 2---

New Blocks:

  • Opposite Transfer Direction Code Block
  • Rotate Clockwise Transfer Direction Code Block
  • Rotate Counterclockwise Transfer Direction Code Block
  • Chunk Loader

New Items:

  • Direction Code Item

Texture Changes:

  • (Reverse) Yellow Switching Block Off
  • Yellow Kill Switching Block
  • Walking Switching Block


  • Neutral Code Block right clicked with an empty hand fix
  • Yellow Switcher Effect Fix by checking every player in the world


  • Yellow Switcher Effect Will work only for players (for fixing a bug)

Internal Changes:

  • Texture Renaming
  • MCreator updated from 2023.3 EAP to 2023.3

--- 2.0 beta 1---

New Blocks:

  • Number To Direction Code Block
  • Imitator Direction Code Block
  • Equal Direction Code Block
  • Unequal Direction Code Block
  • Equal Axis Direction Code Block
  • Unequal Axis Direction Code Block
  • Filler Direction Code Block
  • Uppercase Text Code Block
  • Lowercase Text Code Block
  • Neutral Code Block
  • Item To Text Code Block

New Items:

  • Catapulter Item Code Block
  • Number Code Item
  • Logic Code Item
  • Text Code Item

GUI Changes for:

  • Item Configurator
  • Imitator Number Code Block
  • Imitator Logic Code Block
  • Imitator Text Code Block
  • Imitator Item Code Block

Following Block have got published:

  • Direction Code Block
  • Text To Direction Code Block
  • Item Configurator

Block Changes:

  • Teleporter Blocks code changes
  • Item Configurator got a functionality and can configure the NBT of the following Items:
    • Catapulter Item Code Block

Texture changes:

  • (Reverse) Yellow Switching Blocks


  • Equal Item Code Block is working now

Internal changes:

  • Equal Number Code Block Internal Code Simplification
  • Logic Code Block Code Internal Code Simplification
  • Removed unused Textures
  • Removed Unnecesary Procedures (2)
  • Textures Renaming

=== Alpha ===

--- 2.0.0 alpha 15 ---

  • Texture changes for:
    • Saturation Effect Blocks
    • Saturation Block
    • Hunger Effect Blocks
    • Hunger Block
    • Saturation Effect Item
    • Hunger Effect Item
    • Regeneration Block
    • Yellow Switcher Effect Display
    • All Effect Blocks
  • Removed unused textures

--- 2.0.0 alpha 14 ---

  • New Blocks: Text To Direction Code Block (hidden for future updates)
  • Texture changes for:
    • Item Configurator
    • Night Vision Effect Blocks
    • Night Vision Effect Item
    • Wither Effect Item
    • Yellow Switcher Effect Item
  • New GUI for:
    • Transfer Item Code Block
    • Command Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
  • walkingReact GUI, clickingReact GUI, isDisabled GUI, redstoneReact GUI for Command Code Block
  • Bugfix: Property to NBT Special Information displaying.
  • Other minor changes

--- 2.0.0 alpha 13 ---

  • New Block: Direction Code Block (Hidden, unfinished)
  • Texture Changes for:
    • Speed Effect Blocks (minor changes)
    • Yellow Switcher Effect Blocks
    • In Catapulter Blocks
    • In Checkpoint Blocks
  • Ladder Block Got Removed
  • Walking React GUI and Clicking React GUI for Catapulter Blocks
  • isDisabled GUI got merged for All Effect Blocks and All Checkpoint Blocks 
  • nearReact GUI got merged for All Effect Blocks and All Checkpoint Blocks
  • Removed Unnecesarry Procedures (19)
  • Removed Unnecesarry Textures
  • Bugfix:
    • Catapulter Block clickingReact Button Fix
    • Catapulter Block yPos Apply Button applying the value to the xPos field.

--- 2.0.0 alpha 12 ---

  • Support for 1.19.4
  • Texture Changes:
    • Wither Effect Blocks
    • Strenght Effect Item
    • Weakness Effect Item
  • Minor texture Changes for Effect Blocks GUI Page 3

--- 2.0.0 alpha 11 ---

  • Texture Changes:
    • Strength Effect Blocks
    • Weakness Effect Blocks
    • Mining Fatigue Effect Item
    • Invisibility Effect Item
    • Checkpoint Item
  • Elimination of Unecesarry Code (23)
  • Elimination of unecesarry Textures
  • redstoneReact GUI got merged for All Effect Blocks and All Checkpoint Blocks
  • walkingReact GUI got merged for All Effect Blocks and All Checkpoint Blocks
  • clickingReact GUI got merged for All Effect Blocks and All Checkpoint Blocks
  • New GUI for:
    • Catapulter Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
    • Effect Block
      • Page 2 (because i accidentally deleted it and MCreator doesn't have and undo button)
      • Page 3
    • Redstone React for some GUIs
    • Walking React for some GUIs
    • Clicking React for some GUIs
    • Checkpoint Blocks
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
  • New Tags:
    • generic_damage_blocks
    • on_fire_damage_blocks
    • healing_blocks
    • hp_changer_blocks
  • Bugfixes and Improvements

--- 2.0.0 alpha 10 ---

  • Texture Changes:
    • Conduit Power Effect Item
    • Darkness Effect Item
    • Invisibility Effect Blocks
    • Mining Fatigue Effect Blocks
  • Resorting of the Creative Tab
  • Removing unused textures
  • In Effect Blocks uses Normal Effect Block GUI
  • Elimination of unecesary code and (68 elements)
  • Range GUI get merged together for All Effect Blocks and All Checkpoint Blocks
  • New Tags:
    • checkpoint_blocks (containing all checkpoint blocks)
  • Bugfixes:
    • Tag Had missing procedures
    • Saturation Effect Block now uses the Right GUI
    • Other minor fixes

--- 2.0.0 alpha 9 ---

  • Texture changes:
    • Checkpoint Blocks
    • Conduit Power Effect Blocks
    • Haste Effect Item
    • Darkness Effect Blocks
    • Fire Resistance Effect Blocks (2nd attempt)
    • Fire Resistance Item (2nd attempt)
    • Catapulter Stairs (Texture Fix)
  • GUI Changes:
    • Chain Switching Block
    • Imitator Switching Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
    • All Yellow Switching Blocks
    • Walking Block
    • All Near Entity Switching Blocks
    • All Near Entity Yellow Switching Blocks
    • Advanced Placer Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
    • Filler Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
  • New Tags:
    • Effect Blocks (containing All Effect Blocks)
    • In Effect Blocks (containing All In Effect Blocks)
    • Solid Effect Blocks (containing All Walkable Effect Blocks)
  • New NBT:
    • Effect Blocks: "page" // The page that was last open
  • Preparation for: simplification of the code and elimination of repetition for the future updates.
  • Bugfix: Walking Blocks GUIs were Displaying the value on the wrong places
  • Other minor bugfixes

--- 2.0.0 alpha 8 ---

Be Careful when updating! 

  • Texture Changes:
    • Haste Effect Blocks
    • Glowing Effect Item
    • Poison Effect item
  • GUI Changes:
    • Advanced Teleporter Block
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
  • Min and Max Number Code Blocks got finished and published
  • Blocky World Dimension got removed.
  • Bugfix: Checkpoint Block Near React Page now exist
  • Other Fixes and imporvements

--- 2.0.0 alpha 7 ---

  • Bugfixes:
    • Chain item code block does not crash the game anymore
    • Filler Item Code Block is working now
    • Optimization, Changes and minor fixes.

--- 2.0.0 alpha 6 ---

Sorry for the huge file, it is beause of the bugfixes and is hard with mcreator to optimize the code.

  • All Code Blocks got Separated into a new Creative Tab
  • Texture Changes for:
    • Glowing Effect Blocks
    • Blindness Effect Item
    • Fire Resistance Effect Item
  • New GUI for:
    • Health Changer Block
    • All Health Blocks
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page Range
      • Page Near React
      • Page Clicking React
      • Page Walking React
      • Page Is Disabled
      • Page Redstone React
    • Checkpoint Blocks
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • More Comming Soon
    • Bugfixes: 
      • Entity Detector Right Clicking animation
      • For All Item Code Blocks does not crash the game anymore (W.I.P.)
        (Filler Item Code Block 3 new NBT's to temporary fix a bug in checking the slots in the block)
      • Imitater Item Code Block is working now

--- 2.0.0 alpha 5 ---

  • Texture Changes for:
    • Blindness Effect Blocks
    • Fire Resistance Effect Blocks
    • Water Breathing Effect Item
  • New GUI For:
    • Effect Blocks
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
    • Filler Number Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
    • Filler Text Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
    • Filler Logic Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
    • Filler Item Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
  • Some texture Renaming.
  • Bugfixes and Optimizations

--- 2.0.0 alpha 4 ---

  • Texxture Changes For:
    • Water Breathing Effect Blocks
    • Slow Falling Effect Item
    • Unluck Effect Item
    • Resistance Effect Item
    • Dolphin's Grace Effect Item
  • New GUI For:
    • Imitator Number Code Block
    • Imitator Logic Code Block
    • Imitator Text Code Block
    • Imitator Item Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
    • Effect Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page 3
      • Page 4 (merged into page 3)
      • Page 5 (merged into page 3)
    • Entity Detector
    • All Operators Code Blocks
    • All Property to NBT Code Blocks
    • All NBT to Property Code Blocks
    • All Property Transfer Code Blocks
  • Other Changes and fixes 

--- 2.0.0 alpha 3 ---

  • Texture Changes for:
    • Unluck Effect Blocks
    • Slow Falling Effect Blocks
    • Resistance Effect Blocks
    • Regeneration Effect Item
    • Nausea Effect Item
  • New GUI for:
    • Effect Blocks
      • Page 1
      • Page 2
      • Page 3 (preparation)
    • Teleporter Number Code Block
      • Page 2
    • Teleporter Logic Code Block
      • Page 2
    • Teleporter Text Code Block
      • Page 2
    • Teleporter Item Code Block
      • Page 2
    • Transfer Number Code Block
    • Transfer Logic Code Block
    • Transfer Text Code Block
    • Transfer Item Code Block
    • Command Code Block
      • Page 1
      • Page 2 (preparation)
  • Other Bugfixes and improvement
    • Potion effects doesn't glitch out

--- 2.0.0 alpha 2 ---

  • Texture changes for:
    • Nausea Effect Blocks
    • Regeneration Effect Blocks
    • Levitation Item Code Block
    • Poison Item Code Block
    • Speed Item
    • Slowness Item
  • New GUI for:
    • Effect Block
      • Page 2  (preparation)
      • Page Range
      • Page Range 2
      • Page Ambient
      • Page Particles
    • Teleporter Number Block
      • Page 1
    • Teleporter Logic Code Block
      • Page 1
    • Teleporter Text Code Block
      • Page 1
    • Teleporter Item Code Block
      • Page 1
    • NBTVerifier
    • Health Changer Block (not final)
      • Page 1
      • Range
  • Other Changes and fixes

--- 2.0.0 alpha 1 ---

  • Texture Changes for:
    • Levitation Effect Blocks
    • Poison Effect Blocks
    • Catapulter Blocks
    • Speed Blocks
    • Normal Item
    • Jump Boost Item
  • New GUI for:
    • Number Code Block
    • Logic Code Block
    • Text Code Block
    • Message Block
    • Checkpoint Block
    • Effect code Blocks
      • Page 1
      • Page 2 (preparation)
      • Page 3 (preparation)
      • Page 4 (preparation)
      • Page 5 (preparation)
      • Page powerEffect
      • Page durationEffect
    • Entity Teleporter Block
      • Page 1 (preparation)
      • Page 3 (preparation)
    • Randomizer Number Code Block
  • Other Changes and fixes

--- 2.0.0 alpha 0 --- The New Eye

  • Textures changes for:
    • Normal Blocks
    • Jump Boost Effect Blocks (without "in" ones)
    • Slowness Effect Blocks (without "in" ones)
    • Dolphin's Grace Effect Block
    • Kill  Blocks (without "in" ones)
    • Luck Effect Blocks (without "in" ones)
    • Luck Effect Item
  • New GUI for:
    • Effect code blocks
      • Page 1
      • Page 2 (preparation)
      • Page 3 (preparation)
      • Page 5 (preparation)
      • Page power
      • Page duration
  • Preparation with updates for effect blocks

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Your mod was also promoted on our official subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/MCreator/) and Twitter page (https://twitter.com/PyloDEV).