X-Ray Block
Have you ever tried to have a hardcore and you end up dying? Do you want to challenge yourself to die less, but hardcore is too hard?
Prizes and Prices YWL (a.k.a. Papy) is a simple Minecraft Mod that gives you a random bad thing when you die and a random good thing when you kill a boss...use a totem... etc.
How does it work?
Using the check forever function the mod checks Has {player_id} died?
and if true generates a random number (1 - 100 included):
= 1 => Give a good thing
< 25 => Tp player to suspend dimension (the player has to die to return)
< 50 => Randomly spawns TNT on the player (made so it can't destroy player-placed blocks)
< 70 => Luck
< 90 => Sets the health of the player to 1 after respawning
=< 100 =>Sets the hunger of the player to 0 after respawning
Other cool features:
Added a new PKP (PlayerKillPlayer)
PlayerKillPlayer: True
- when a player tries to hit a player the attacker will get a warning message and a little cross in the action bar. The attacked player will get healed instantly
PlayerKillPlayer: False
- when a player tries to hit a player the attacker will get a a little tick in the action bar.
Added test commands:
Want to test the mod before showing it to your friends, but can't(as it might be a little hard)? Use the built-in commands:
- Test good effects
- test bad effects
P.S.: The commands may be switched depending on your Minecraft settings, so we recommend you test both commands and get the result yourself