
Profile picture for user NorthWestTrees

Member for

5 years 5 months
Active on 13:30, 23. Apr 2024
Roles and badges of this user:

User statistics:

  • Modifications:
  • Forum topics:
  • Wiki pages:
  • MCreator plugins:
  • Comments:
Minecraft username
About me

I am a YouTuber of four channels NorthWestTrees (Gaming, MCreator, Music, and Projects). My main channel is the MCreator one where I post tutorials and promote MCreator through the use of the MCreator Lore series.

I also was the owner/admin of the now-closed MCToolkit discord server. I learned lots of things about running a large community, at its peak it reached 1K members and even got added to the discovery program.

For mods, I have gotten Mod Of The Week (MOTW) on four of my mods: CCTVCraft, Chatter, More Blox and Tale of Biomes. The order I got MOTW is in the same order as described in the list.

Modifications of this user:

FG 1.20.1, 1.19.4 284
Tale of Biomes (MCreator Lore)
FG 1.20.1 216
Tale of Biomes
FG 1.20.1, 1.19.4 3,804
Real Time Mod
FG 1.20.1, 1.19.4 444
Real Time Mod
FG 1.19.4, 1.19.2 262
Norths Schematics
FG/FB 1.19.2, 1.18.2 96
Norths Schematics
Portal Gates
FG 1.19.2 205
Portal Gates
Welcome to Nodes Plus!
FG 1.17.1 216
Nodes Plus
Making MC automated one block at a time!
FG 1.16.5 175
NWTG Automation
Welcome to Architecture Plus!
FG 1.15.2 168
Architecture Plus
FG 1.15.2 170
North's Watercrafts
FG 1.14.4 203
Norths Watercraft's

Forum topics of this user:

Topic / Topic starter Last update Replies Forum
by NorthWestTrees
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 03:41
5 General discussion
by NorthWestTrees
Mon, 11/25/2019 - 18:29
0 User side tutorials
by NorthWestTrees
Wed, 03/04/2020 - 21:07
2 Help with modding (Java Edition)
by NorthWestTrees
Tue, 12/24/2019 - 19:10
0 User side tutorials
By NorthWestTrees on
by NorthWestTrees
Fri, 08/07/2020 - 20:18
0 Mod showcase and discussion

MCreator plugins created by this user:

Woodland Theme

Posted by NorthWestTrees, last updated 5 months ago
This is a theme used by my YouTube channel for a few years now. I have optimized it to have more shades and more ranges for colours for this theme. In the future, I will be adding custom icons and fonts for the plugin once I learn how to do these things. Images Workspace Tab Variables…

Downloads: 178  Comments: 8  Tags: Themes
Supported MCreator versions: EAP 2021.2.23417