Showing some items and blocks from the mod :)
Magic mod with different attributes and spells, elemental and conceptual attributes.
Mod created due to inspiration from black clover and several other animes, cartoons, series, films and games and several crazy ideas from my head.
My goal in creating this mod is to create a mod with some fun and powerful spells for you to use alone, but mainly to use with your friends in multiplayer.
Wiki: https://github.com/Engel-Blut/MagicworldWarriors/wiki
Download link via curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/magic-world-warrior
Contact forms
Official mod discord Click Here
Author nickname: Engel_blut
Discord ID: 176854023389839360
Update aimed at correcting small errors and making small improvements.
- Fixed the aura being deactivated as soon as used by someone with 8 mana, as 9 is required to keep it active.
- improvement in the sky walker skill of the wind attribute.
- Correction in the functioning of support spells for wind and fire attributes
- Added exp gain when using a spell.
- increased spawn of mana rose, it remains decorative for now.