More Wood is a mod that adds well you've probably guessed it MORE WOOD!
This mod is still in development so there wil be more features added over time!
Corners are avalable in all wood types.
They are like stairs but then vertical.
You can craft them like a stair but flipped upside-down.
They are also craftable using the new Wood Saw (more on that later)
Walls are also avalable in all wood types!
Craftable just like the corners in a wood saw and in the craftingtable a rotated version of the slab.
Panes are very cool, they are like trapdoors but are nicely centerd and avalable in all wood types.
Crafted like any other in a wood saw and in the craftingtable a rotated version of the trapdoor recipe
Now finaly the wood saw!
The wood saw is a block like the stone cutter.
It can saw any log into its corresponding wooden parts.
When it saws logs into parts it wil also create saw dust as a by product (more on that later)
This is the gui!
I am realy proud of this one!
You can cycle through each tab of parts by clicking the arrow keys.
Just take a wooden part to saw it.
You can also saw a whole stack at once!
For people who are intrested how i made the buttons -> https://mcreator.net/forum/83507/added-image-buttons-guis

Saw Dust is a by product of sawing wood wich can be quite useful!
You can compost it with a 65% chance of creating a new layer.
You can right click on a cauldron to make pieces of paper wich can be crafted into paper!
You can brew it into bottles wich can be thrown at players to blind them

Well this is all I have for version 1.1.1!
If you found a bug please report it in the comments.
Thath way i can fix the bugs!
Now newyears 2023 update! V1.2.1

Palm trees are a new type of trees wich have coconuts grow on them (more on that later)
They spawn on beaches and are pretty rare and have their saplings too!

Palm logs can be into various new blocks!
I didn't manage to make signs, boats and chest boats :(.
It was just to difficult.
And ofcorse the palm blocks can be made with the woodsaw

Coconuts are pretty cool you can't break them to drop their delicious shells!
You need to right click it with a tool! Every tool works but not every tool is fast nor efficient!
Sword: 1/6 chance to drop and 40 ticks cooldown
Pickaxe: 1/4 chance to drop and 60 ticks cooldown
Axe: 1/3 chance to drop and 90 ticks cooldown
Shovel: 1/7 chance to drop and 20 ticks cooldown
Hoe: 1/4 chance to drop and 30 ticks cooldown
When a coconut is broken it drops coconut shells and empty coconut shells (more on that later)

Coconut shells come in various different variants!
The coconut shell (drops whan breaking a coconut)
You can eat them to restore 5 hunger and 0.5 saturation
And remove a random bad potion effect
The empty coconut shell
This one is thust the eating result of a coconut shell
its not that usefull other than being used as a boul replacement
Beetroot soup coconut, rabbit stew coconut and mushroom stew coconut
They are just like the boul versions of the stew but crafted in an empty coconut shell.
Suspicious stew coconut
This suspicious stew is only positive!
it gives you a random good effect!
Its craftable using the normal suspicious stew recipe but a coconut shell replacing the boul

Palm leaves ar a littel different than the other leaves,
they just have a chance to drop some (empty) coconut shells
Well this is all I have for version 1.2.1!
If you found a bug please report it in the comments.
Thath way i can fix the bugs!
I hope you like the mod and a happy 2023!
What I plan on doing
- make corners connect to stairs
- add the pattern press (presses patterns into wood)
- add framed glass
If you have some feedback please put it in the comments!
-added corners
-added walls
-added panes
-added wood saw
-added saw dust
-added throwable saw dust
-added sawdust to papaer conversion by rightclicking a cauldron
-added the full palm wood set
-added palm trees
-added coconut stews
-stripping logs now drops sawdust
-fixed rotation of some blocks
You spelled it "boul", not "bowl".