More commands in minecraft! Over 30+ commands!
More Commands In Minecraft 1.12.2
More Commands in Minecraft! Adds Over 30+ Commands To Mess Around With!
More commands in minecraft is finally back! Right now in beta there are about 30 commands to mess around with. But there will be MANY more later on! If you see any bugs please report in the bug report discussion. Any suggestions? Leave it down in the comments below! Want the 1.10.2 Version? Click the link! https://mcreator.net/modification/31713/more-commands-minecraft-1102
- /gmc
- /gms
- /gma
- /gm 0
- /gm 1
- /gm 2
- /gm 3
- /internet
- /feed
- //setmark
- /hi
- /!
- /sword
- /shovel
- /axe
- /hoe
- /explode @p
- /day
- /night
- /noon
- A large work in progress GUI
- Many more!
- (Try and mess around with the commands to know how it works because this is a complex large mod! Don't know how to use a command? Comment down below or use the built in mod GUI by doing /mcimhelp
1. Download Forge 1.12.2 Link: https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.2.html
2. Click on Forge then hit install
3. Do Windows Key + R then type %appdata%
4. Find .minecraft then click "mods"
5. Move the MCIM BETA 1.1 FOR 1.12.2 file into the mods folder
6. Make a profile for 1.12.2 forge
7. Select Forge 1.12.2 profile then boot minecraft then your done! Enjoy!
Build 1.0 BETA
>Release of mod
Build 1.1 BETA
>Fixed some commands that when executed, does not do anything
>Fixed /gm 2
>Broken commands: /sword (Will try and fix in Build 1.2 BETA)
>Added /explode (USAGE: /explode(value1-10)
>Added /music (Work In Progress To see what music there is available, open the GUI with /mcimhelp then, click command list, then go to the third page and look at the audio section
>Removed /nuke (It will appear as a functioning command in GUI but the command is removed.)
What does the /internet command do as i couldnt get it to work