Mob's bugs

Started by mi3di on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Active 10 months ago
Joined Sep 2023

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Mob's bugs

I made an emulation of Steve, gave him a task in the AI and OBJECTIVES section: break blocks of earth, grass land, stone and ore, but he only digs them HORIZONTALLY!!! I need him to be able to dig vertically as well, and not just break the first rule of Minecraft, as well as how to make an inventory for him (in the inventory section I included 36 slots for him, but in reality he won’t pick up things in life until you change his NBT , and with the NBT turned on for picking up items, he can pick up only 1 item, and he has 36 slots, also when I turned on the inventory GUI for him, then when I right-click on it I OPEN MY INVENTORY! how to fix this? and tell me HOW TO FINALLY FIX BUG WITH CODE COMPILATION ERROR WHEN I TURN ON ATTACK ANIMATION?!

version 1.20.1

I ask you not to write anything to people who say things like: “a procedure is needed” - since you’re so smart, name it
“bro it’s impossible” - I made a multiplex function for casting a spell that takes into account about 42 conditions in 1 procedure, in addition, this function is able to completely load the entire mod with a minimum load of the mod, which by definition in mcreator is not possible to do programmatically)) (without plugins)
“tags are needed here” - you can’t put tags on the animation, and playing the animation of a mob or simulating digging blocks with board speed commands and setting a block for air in combination with particles is not advisable, it will be too buggy, and let me remind you that the entity has only 1 tick loader each teak

 and everything like that, I read a lot

I hope for intelligible comments with answers :)