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Keys are adding possibility to lock your chest
To lock, you have to place a block named "Key Generator". It's awarded when you craft a key.
Then, click that block and it will show a GUI, next put your key in slot ("Put here") and click your key. Now, you have to get the key from other slot ("Get Here") and now the name of the key will be a random number which is your key code. Next, go to your block that you want to lock with a key. Then crouch and right click on your block that you want to lock.
Now your chest is locked!
Keys also offers paintings, In-Game instruction (command: /keyinfo) and other types of keys!
Q: Will you update it?
A: Yes!
Q: Could i do a trailer/video about this mod?
A: Of course, but give a link to this page in description.
Q: Will you port this to datapack?
A: I will try. But it will be a limited version.
Q: Can i use this on my server?
A: This mod is made for servers!
Q: Can i use this in my modpack?
A: Yes, but don't forget to credit me!
Found issues? Report in the comments!
Added/changed paintings
Fixed ability to name chest with "Key" or "Golden Key" key name
Textures improvement
Added 1.18.2 support
Added new tools: Unlocker, Wooden Key (Short durability), Diamond Key (Long durability)
Added command /keyinfo
Removed unlocker
Added music discs
Added Keys Trader (Find him and trade!)
Made items generate in chests
Added enchantments for keys (first is good, second is a curse)
I love the idea