Jude's Mind: OMEGA
Upvotes: 2
Project status
In development
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
Explore new and thrilling areas in the nether and overworld! Each cointaing many new creatures and fun exploration!
Fight amazing new creatures and gain great rewards when fightting these colosal beasts!
I would like to say thank you, I have not made a mod in a while, but when I do I get lots of views and downloads! Thank you -- KrebPleb
There are different Wizards in the world in many areas that do many different things. I'll let you find out for your self the other mobs and these wizard's abilites, but here is what they will look like:
Mods Required:
Gekolib (1.18.2)
Forge (1.18.2)
Please consider Subscribing!
Modification files
Judes Mind OMEGA.jarUploaded on: 08/25/2023 - 17:34 File size: 2.15 MB
good mod btw