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Have you ever taken an interest in geology or biology and how it changes ecosystems? When I look at vanilla Minecraft biomes I feel pain. Pain of dying biomes. Simple put most biomes in Minecraft are something you would see in a dying ecosystem and there is a severe lack of updates to old existing biomes in Minecraft when new blocks are added that should be present in these biomes. Its fine when these blocks are not in the game yet, but it is simple a lazy way to do it. Forests that have plentiful grasses are dying and are in the process of turning into plains. Almost all oceans have a type of coral in them. Deep ocean coral has no coloration lmao. But I am getting off topic here you are not here for ramblings about realistic environments you are wasting your time to see more realistic... So let me begin
Forests / Jungles have been made to reflect a more healthy look that we often see in real life.
Oceans have a more variety in the blocks and feel more lifelike.
Rivers, uh they are still a work in progress and will be updated when I get to the next stage of mod development.
Deserts, uh they are still a work in progress and will be updated when I get to the next stage of mod development.
Swamps and Jungles now are a little more realistic in some ways.
Hot biomes have a chance for mud pools to generate.
The transition from Ocean to Deep Ocean can now visually be seen by players to better reflect biome transitions.
The Transition from Plains to Forest / Jungle will now be more visually noticeable even in the event of Deforesting.
Future plans for the mod include the inclusion of Underbrush for biomes that need it, A River overhaul that will make rivers more impressive, improvements tailored for each vanilla biome. An overhaul regarding ore and terrain generation to improve realism among other things.
Currently there is no custom items added to the mod and will be done in the next stage