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Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)
Soooo I remember being to make a GUI like a crafting table where if you exit it all the items go back into your inventory... but I can't now? Am I just making this up or what?
(my GUI has the option "GUI with slots" enabled if that helps)
Have you played with the inventory settings for blocks on the Block Entity tab?
Yep If the option in there then I'm blind
I'm pretty sure the setting I need to change is "Size of Inventory" but when I set it to 0 whenever I open the GUI in-game it crashes
you enabled tile entity and that for your usage should be off as a tile entity must be able to store data within it and setting the inventory size to 0 will trigger a assertion within the code to stop other issues so just turn of tile entity as it is causing more trouble than its worth