Topic category: Plugins and third-party tools
as the title says im struggling to find out how to use the "get result of the recipe type" block from the Just enough recipes plugin id love some help as i have absolutely no clue how to use it as the main page does not explain well my main issue though is not the slots on the right side of it but what do i slot the block itself into heres a few screenshots of what ive tried and how the other parts look like
Here is the crafting station guiHere is the Recipe type
Here is the item recipe
Here is the first attempt at using the procedure that failedand heres the 2nd where i tried editing the mcreator template for a crafting table that also did not work
and thats it please id love some help ive been at this for 3 days trying i also asked on the main plugin page but never got a proper answer but that might just have been because my bad wording while asking anyways if anyone could help me out here id be incredibly grateful.
Why are you checking every slot for the items? Just check that the result item from the procedure is not an empty itemstack, and use it as the result. You won't need to add any other Ifs for other recipes after, just make more recipe elements.
Also, you should use procedures from slot & gui procedures to get/set items instead of x y z of block because I'm pretty sure the x y z is the location of the player.
Thank you so much i was finally able to get it working! only thing is if you press the brew button to craft if the recipe is not exactly the same itll give nothing and remove the items which is something i want to keep for this crafting station but i wanted to know what i should do to change that for another station im planning on making heres the procedure i used and sorry for the trouble
Set an itemstack local variable to the result. Then go in Minecraft components, get empty items tack. Only make it remove the items if the result variable isn't empty itemstack.
thank you so much it worked.