File Manager

Published by Goldorion on
Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Upvotes: 188
Plugin forum topic
About the plugin

File Manager is a plugin adding new procedure blocks allowing you to create and read your files! 

File Types

  • JSON
  • TXT (simple file reader/writer)
  • ZIP (5.7+)

Important Information

  • This version supports Forge 1.19.4 and 1.20.1 and Fabric 1.20.1

The 2 following examples require File Manager 5.0 or after.

Create a JSON file

Create a json file

Read a JSON file

Read a JSON file

I made a tutorial covering this here.


Tutorial by NorthWestTrees

Tutorial on sub-JSON objects by NorthWestTrees

Tutorial by Cursed Warrior

Icon by Tobi-Wan#0482

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1  

  • Appropriate credit must be provided to the creators and maintainers of this plugin.
  • Forked versions of this plugin must be distributed under the same license as this with attribution if distributed.
  • Changes must be stated if any modified works are to be distributed.
  • Under no circumstances you can state that the original creator endorses modified works.


To see a complete changelog of the plugin, check this file.


* [#48] Add a new parameter to write lines at the end of TXT files
  * Note: Existing workspaces will get a build error due to the missing parameter. Previous behaviour was FALSE.
* [Bugfix #62] Write Json object caused a build error due to a missing import (again)


* [Bugfix #61] Some procedure blocks could cause build errors due to a missing import
* Added Persian language support


* Updated to MCreator 2024.1.15713
* Added support for NeoForge 1.20.4
Project members
Lead developer
GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2.1)

Plugin downloads
File Manager 5.10 - file-manager_1.zipUploaded on: 04/23/2024 - 16:43   File size: 81.13 KB


1.19.2 is almost identical to 1.19.1. It only fixed an issue with the new chat reporting system, so mods should be updated pretty quickly if they are already in 1.19.1.
If you can't wait, you can also simply open the ZIP file of the plugin and rename fabric-1.19.2 to fabric-1.19.1 as nothing changed for the plugin between those both versions.

Got the plug-in working on 1.19.1. Thanks for the help.
BTW... Since I have the attention of someone who is obviously a mod coding genius... Was wondering if you have any input regarding my other mcreator issue...

So I got a problem with the File Manager mod now... I upgraded to the Fabric 1.19.2 Generator. I make a procedure that will access a file. "File Manager" is not shown in the "Procedure Templates" section. And if I try to make a local variable for the file, there is no "File" type coming up in the "Variable Type" dropdown box.
The File Manager plug-in is installed and it says it is loaded in the "Manage Plugins" section of Preferences.

An update to previous post... If I create a new project then File Manager is in the Templates list... The problem is only with my project that got upgraded from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2.
Worst case, I can export everything, make a new project, then import everything.

Hi! I am making a mod that will use Saving and Loading in a Save block and a Load block.

Why did you remove 1.16.5 when it's still supported by MCreator and is also a very widely used versions?

Sorry if I'm asking such a stupid question, but is that only for the "players since" because of "local" or is it also possible on a server

for example if you want to have a list of your inventory for each player or something

Soo uhh, how does the Copy path block work, a wiki or any documentation would do wonders when working with iti!

Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm just too stupid.
In any case, I use the (
MCreator 2022.1) version and I have the problem that no selection is given in the fields (local: file) which unfortunately causes an error every time.
Did I do something wrong?

You cannot get any selection shown in the variables until you add a variable in the right panel of MCreator. Once you add the Local Variable, save the procedure and then look at the Custom Variables and you should see they are there. If you add more than one variable of the same type, once you select the get/set you can click on the down arrow to choose which variable you want to use.

the block write string to file is messed up.checked the code viewer, says that filebw.write . wtf is that? and when I remove it the procedure gets completely ruined and the code viewer does not show anything after doing any change