Everfall: Dragonscale Update

Started by Super_Steve_Time on

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Active 11 months ago
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Everfall: Dragonscale Update


Welcome to Everfall

Everfall is a Minecraft mod that adds new post-dragon content. Once the player defeats the Ender Dragon and crafts full Netherite Armor, there isn't much else to do. With this mod, my mission is to add new content to the world of Minecraft that acts, looks, and feels like Vanilla Minecraft.

This mod is still in early development with only about 60 mod elements as of April 7th, but I've been working meticulously to make sure every detail looks and feels like something out of an official Minecraft update; even though some elements are a little experimental.

Please leave a comment or suggestion about what I should add or change. I'll try to keep this page up to date; this will be a relatively short mod with a few key features revolving around the topic. The mod will primarily focus on the theme of post-dragon content, and I've already deleted quite a few mod elements that didn't fit the theme.

Without further ado, here is my new mod: Everfall



The most important item in this mod is the Dragon Scale. The Dragon Scale cannot be crafted by any normal means. To obtain a Dragon Scale, the player must craft an Incubation Chamber, or an Incubator.


An Incubator is crafted with six Iron Blocks, two Glass Panes, and one Netherstar in the middle. Once the Incubator is crafted, the player can input a Dragon Egg and obtain two Dragon Scales.

That's right, one Dragon Egg can be crafted into two Dragon Scales in an Incubator. I wanted to make the processes to obtain full Dragon Scale tools and armor a little grindy, giving the player a reason to fight the Ender Dragon multiple times.


After obtaining a Dragon Scale, the player can smelt the Dragon Scale to make a Dragonscale Ingot. The Dragonscale Ingot is, by far, one of the most important items in early-post-dragon gameplay. However, the only way to get Dragonscale Tools or Armor is via a Dragonscale Upgrade Smithing Template. 

The Dragonscale Upgrade Smithing Template can be crafted by surrounding a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template with obsidian, and placing one Dragonscale Ingot on top, in a crafting table. 


Once the Smithing Template is crafted, the player can upgrade any of their Netherite Equipment into Dragonscale Equipment. Dragonscale Equipment doesn't have any special powers, other than higher damage, a better durability, and a higher harvest level.

The most important reason for getting Dragonscale Equipment is for crafting a Dragonscale Pickaxe to mine and obtain new ores/blocks (potentially). 

There is also a new and extremely helpful potion that the player can obtain.eyee This new effect is called Divination. The Potion of Divine Sight (as of now) cannot be obtained via brewing. However, this effect will be very important to later-post-dragon gameplay.

The Divination effect, once applied, causes all mobs within a vicinity dependent on the effect level to have the glowing effect. This effect is helpful for spelunking in caves, but most helpful in the Deep Dark. (So far, the Divination effect can only be obtained in Creative mode via the Petrified Effigy block.)


An in-game screenshot of the elusive Echo entity found in the Deep Dark that can only be found via the Divination effect. Once an Echo is found, the player can click on it with an empty bottle and obtain an Echo Bottle.

The End

I hope you enjoyed the sneak peak at my new mod! Please comment about any questions or suggests you have. If you want, you can join my Discord server LuigiStudio, just ask!