Wooden armor and others
Upvotes: 1
Project status
Project members
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
Hello everyone, this is my first mod that supports englist and russian. Mod is beta for now, so...
It adds:
- Wooden armor set
- Azure(azurlite) ore
- Azure tools
- Artifacts with powerups(there only three)
- Other items
- Dirium ore and tools
- New final boss(W.I.P, so later you can see him strong)
I recommend to install Just Enough Items or other recipe showers. There will be some difficult crafts in mod
Modification files
DiriumCraft_1.0.0_alpha.jarUploaded on: 03/09/2020 - 11:02 File size: 102.37 KB
DiriumCraft beta 1.0.0.jarUploaded on: 03/15/2020 - 10:43 File size: 242.02 KB
DiriumCraft beta 1.0.1.jar - Added Dirium multitool recipe.Uploaded on: 03/15/2020 - 11:16 File size: 238.3 KB
1.0.0 alpha- mod in alpha released
1.0.0 beta- added new final boss, armors and more-more others. Big update
1.0.1 beta- added Dirium multitool recipe.
Cool, everyone installing my mod <3