Dynasty Update
You have already heard about the game "TABS"? If yes, then I want to ask you - have you heard of at least one mod about this game? No? I present to you my mod:
Cubic Combat Simulator (CCSM) is a mod about the war between blue and red mannequins, the so-called "units". Each unit has a special model, texture, characteristics and abilities. Here you can build maps to complete, create armies of warriors and compete between friends.
Version status:
✔️ - Stable version is supported/contains all functions;
❌ - Not supported/may contain bugs/some functions are missing;
✔️ 1.20.1 [Forge]
✔️ 1.19.4 [Forge]
❌ 1.19.2 [Forge/Fabric]
❌ 1.18.x [Forge/Fabric]
❌ 1.17.x [Forge/Fabric]
❌ 1.16.x [Forge/Fabric]
❌ 1.15.x [Forge/Fabric]
❌ 1.14.x [Forge/Fabric]
❌ 1.12.x [Forge/Fabric]
At the time of the last version of the mod (0.4.8):
8 FACTIONS - Tribal, Farmer, Medieval, Ancient, Vikings, Dynasty, Renaissance, Secret;
By default, clicking on the letter "R" will open the CCSM menu, thanks to which you can start a battle or remove certain units. This interface also contains buttons in the form of symbols and letters:
The button in the form of the letter "R" opens the "Unit Rotation" interface
The button in the form of gear opens the "Settings" interface
The button in the form of three stripes allows you to display an overlay indicating the number of units and their total cost of the red and blue teams. By clicking on it a second time, the screen will also display inscriptions on the condition of the victory of the teams
Unit Rotation Interface:
This interface is located in the CCSM Interface by clicking on the button in the form of the letter "R". It has one button, by clicking on which you can rotate your units in 4 directions. Unit rotation is applied not only to units already standing, but also when placing units using their summoning item.
Settings Interface:
This interface is located in the CCSM Interface by pressing the gear button. In it, you can apply settings related to units:
1. Change the maximum possible number of units that the players of the red and blue teams can supply
2. Change the maximum possible unit cost for the red and blue teams
Function Interface:
This interface can be opened using the command "/ccsm". In it, you can customize the mod in your world by enabling or disabling features. These functions are described in detail below:
–The "The units of the opposing team attack the player" function:
This function is responsible for whether the units of the enemy team will attack the players or not. It will only work if you are in one of the teams
–The "Checking the readiness of the teams to start" function:
If you are in the same team, then by clicking on the "Start a Battle" button in the CCSM interface, the Red and Blue teams will open the interfaces with the question whether they are ready for battle or not. If both teams are ready, then the units of the two teams will start fighting. This function will not work only if the player is not a member of one of the teams
–The "The system for determining team victory" function:
If the enemy does not have any units left alive or the team captures all the capture zones, a message will appear on the screen indicating whose team won.
In addition, if this feature is enabled, the "Team Victory" mode in the verification block will work. You can read about it below
–The "Can't start a battle with 0 units in teams" function:
This function checks if the teams have more than 1 unit and if one of the teams has 0 units, it will be impossible to start
-The "Can't place units during a battle" function:
You will not be able to place units during the battle, that is, until there are no units left alive in one of the teams
-The "The player can't damage his own and enemy units" function:
The player will not be able to attack his own and enemy units
-The "Automatic removal of units after victory" function:
Units are automatically removed from the battlefield if victory detection is enabled
-The "Flying players in survival and adventure mode" function:
Players can fly in survival and adventure mode
–Hide the "Rotation GUI" in the CCSM Interface
–Hide the "Settings GUI" in the CCSM Interface
–The "Mammoth jumps when taking damage" function:
The mammoth just jumps when taking damage. Yes. Enjoy it
–The "Immortal Units" function:
All units become immortal
–The "Ranged units will be able to damage their team's units" function:
Units with ranged weapons, hitting a unit of their own team can cause damage to it
Victory Conditions:
This interface can be opened using the "/ccsm" command and clicking on the gear button. In this interface, you can select a condition for each team to achieve victory for one of the teams. Full list of conditions:
1. Defeat all enemies
2. Defeat the target
3. Capture the flags
4. Defeat enemies within a certain time (in seconds)
Team Selection:
This interface can be opened using the "/ccsm" command and clicking on the flag button. In it, you can choose which team you will play for - red or blue. By choosing a team, you will be deprived of the opportunity:
1) Remove the units of the opposing team;
2) Save and load units of the opposing team (in the future);
3) Put units of the opposite team;
By clicking on the "reset" button in this interface, you will reset your command and bypass these restrictions
Order Distributor:
This item allows you to give orders to your team's units. Picking up an item and pressing the key that opens the CCSM interface (by default, the "R" key), you will see a special interface with buttons that change the order mode to. The orders apply to the units of your team. If you are not in the team, then the orders interface will be divided into orders for the blue and orders for the red teams. At the moment there are 2 order modes:
1. Choose a path (which units will follow)
2. Stop the units
Choose a path:
To get all the units of your team to go to a certain territory, you need to right-click on the block.
To make the units follow you, you need to right-click on the air. Pressing into the air again will prohibit units from following you.
Stop the units:
To stop all the units of your team, you need to right-click on the air. Thus, you will change the action from permission to prohibition and vice versa.
To stop one unit, you need to right-click on it while SITTING.
Area Block:
Area Block is a functional block that is divided into two types: Red and Blue. Right-clicking on it will open its interface. With it, you will be able to adjust the maximum size of a square cube in which a certain command cannot be placed. If the Area Block is red, then blue units cannot be placed inside its territory.
Central Rotation block:
It is divided into "Red Outside" and "Blue Outside". By placing it and clicking on it, its interface opens, where you can specify the range. If the units of a certain team are included in this range (depending on the type of this block), they will be rotated to the location of this block
Capture Flag:
It is divided into 3 types: red, blue and combined. If a unit of the same team as the flag is located in a certain radius of this block, then it will gradually fill with "energy". During the filling of the zone, a percentage counter will appear near the inventory slots. When the zone of one of the teams is filled (reaches 100%), the team will win (only if the "The system for determining team victory" function is enabled and added to the list of events for winning teams) and all units will instantly disappear. The combined type allows units of both teams to fill the flag area.
In addition, you can set a certain value for how many seconds it will take to completely capture the zone, as well as the range of the zone. To edit these settings, you must take the "Capture Zone Controller" item in your main hand and right-click on the flag. After that, you will see the flag interface with its settings.
If you need to make it so that units need to fill more than 1 zone to complete a victory, then the command "/ccsm captureZones set [Number]" has been created for this purpose.
Check Block:
A Check Block is a multifunctional block that is designed to execute a certain command within a radius after a certain event.
It is divided into 3 types - red, blue and combined. At the initial placement, the Check Block has a combined appearance, that is, the condition in it will work if either the red or blue team wins.
Right-clicking on a block opens an interface that is somewhat similar to the interface of the command block. It has a mode switch button. There are two modes in total, "Team Victory" and "Unit Death Detection:
1. The "Team Victory" mode is designed to execute a certain command after the team defeats the opponent
2. The "Unit Death Detection" mode is designed to execute a specific command after the death of a red or blue unit
It is divided into 2 sub-modes: "Specific Unit Death" and "Specific Target Death".
Specific Unit Death - determines the death of the unit whose name was recorded by you in the text field.
Specific Target Death - determines the death of the unit selected as the target for elimination.
/ccsm - Opens the configuration interface for mod behavior in your world;
/ccsm units rotate v1/v2/v3/v4 - Rotate units in certain directions (replacement for "Units Rotation" interface, useful for mapmakers);
/ccsm units cost set [number] - Editing the maximum cost of total units for teams (max $9999999);
/ccsm units number set [number] - Editing the maximum number of units for teams (max 9999 units);
/ccsm units remove red/blue/all - Removes the Red, Blue or All units;
/ccsm team [Player's Name] set red/blue/none - Changes the player's team to a certain one;
/ccsm captureFlags set [Number] - Determines how many capture flags units need to capture in order to achieve victory
/ccsm units target set/remove - Adds or removes the elimination target for the unit
/ccsm restart - Restart of the entire mod;
Permissions and FAQ:
Q: Where do you create this mod?
A: I don't know how to program, so I use the MCreator application to create a mod, which allows me to build a mod without programming. In addition, I use Blockbench to create models and the Geckolib plugin to create animations;
Q: I noticed your mod on another site (not MCreator and Curseforge), are you its owner?
A: No, I posted my mod only on MCreator and Curseforge sites, the rest are not mine;
Q: Can I use your mod in my videos?
A: You are allowed to use this mod in your videos if the download link leads here or to the MCreator website with the page of this mod;
Q: Can I upload your mod to my website?
A: You can upload this mod to other websites and launchers ONLY if you have provided a link to the original page;
Q: Will you port the mod to older versions?
A: As soon as there is a plugin for MCreator that will allow me to port the mod to a slightly older version;
Q: Will you release versions for Fabric?
A: The same with the previous answer, only if there is a plugin for MCreator that will allow me to do this;
Q: I found a bug, where should I write so that you notice my message?
A: Just notify me under the comments, since I check my mod page on MCreator and Curseforge every day;
Q: When logging into Minecraft, I get an error, what should I do?
A: Maybe you haven't installed the Geckolib library. The mod won't work without it;
Q: New features from the new updates have not appeared/are not working.
A: Try running the "/ccsm restart" command. If nothing worked out, then it means that this is a bug in the mod;
Q: Why are updates taking so long to come out?
A: In most cases, this is due to the fact that I lose interest in mod development and take a long vacation. Also, sometimes it may be due to the fact that I add a lot of complex features;
Q: Why can't I change the values in the text field in the online game (in those fields as in the command block)?
A: If you are playing in multiplayer, then only the creator of the server can set the value in the text field! This is not a bug, but an incorrectly implemented Minecraft feature;
You can also support me with a donation by clicking on this link
UPDATE 0.4.8:
–Added 3 new units from the Secret faction:
Samurai Giant, Sensei, Shogun;
1. Now the Samurai blocks projectiles not with a chance, but with a 1-second recharge
2. The Hwacha model has been changed
3. The number of Hwacha arrows has been increased from 20 to 42 arrows
4. Improved animation of Zeus and Ninja projectile throws
5. Fixed a bug where units could cause damage to a player of their team
6. Increased the chance of a rider appearing at the death of a Jouster
7. Fixed a bug where the opposing team won even when Jouster's rider appeared at death
8. The sequence of the list of functions in the Functions interface has been changed
9. Improved the system for blocking projectiles and unit attacks