What is this mod?
This mod is about adding more commands. This mod adds up to 22 useful commands for your game. This mod does not completely change Minecraft as it only adds more commands.
List of commands:
/gmc - Sets to creative mode
/gms - Sets to survival mode
/gma - Sets to adventure mode
/gmsp - Sets to spectator mode
/overworld - Goes to the overworld
/nether - Goes to the nether
/end - Goes to the end
/day - Sets time to day
/night - Sets time to night
/wclear - Clears any weather
/wrain - Sets weather to rain
/wthunder - Sets weather to thunder
/feed - Gives full hunger points
/starve - Gives empty hunger points
/barrier - Gives a barrier
/cmd - Gives a command block
/fly - Enables flight
/nofly - Disables flight
/build - Enables build
/nobuild - Disables build
/damage - Enables damage
/nodamage - Disables damage
Mod has released and has added 22 new commands!
Cool, Lad