Explore a new world of solar and celestial! Use your research to create energy creators, tools, weapons, armor, and more! Fight new mobs with good loot! Create guns with special anti-celestial and solar powers!
Getting Started:
To get started, you need to find a special stone dropped by any mobs. But heres the catch, its only a 1% chance to drop. But once you get this stone, it will delete itself and give you the recipes you need to get started.
Once you get these recipes, you will be able to craft a Celestial Table which is how your going to get Celestial and Solar Shards.
There is another way to get Celestial and Solar Shards. Sometimes, a Solar or Celestial Being will spawn. Its rare, but possible. They will drop Solar and Celestial Shards but they are hard to defeat.
Solar and Celestial Shards can be crafted into tools, armor, and weapons. These recipes are the same as normal tools but with shards.
Once You craft the shards, you will get recipes for exlusive items for these shards.
Recipes for the Celestial Table:
Solar Shard:
Celestial Shard:
Mods Required:
Gekolib (1.18.2)
Forge (1.18.2)
bruh, im working on a mod right now thats called celestial world and this blew me up 😭