This mod transforms minecraft into a BIT.TRIP game.
The health system is completely overhauled to something inspired from the BIT.TRIP franchise, especially FATE.
You can say bye bye to hunger and hearts because they are not important (yes this does mean I removed hunger)
Instead, every food item (except carrots, golden carrots, apples, golden apples and spider eyes) you will pick up will be automatically replaced with a core.
Food picked up from chests won't become cores, just drop them on the ground and pick them up again.
Cores are important because they are your only way to heal (AKA: Mode up).
Health works like it does in FATE. You can mode up by collecting cores, but if you take any form of damage, (it can be the equivalent of half a heart in a short fall or getting hit by the warden) you will mode down ONCE. If you take damage in the lowest mode, you die.
When you mode down, the cores will go on cooldown for 5 seconds
If you brew a Core in a regeneration potion, it will become a "Core in a bottle". A reusable core that isn't affected by damage cooldown.
Here is a list of all the modes, highest to lowest.
When you join a world or respawn after death, you will be in HYPER.
The higher mode you are, the more perks you get (for example, you get jump boost if you're in the mode SUPER or above)
If you use a core in META, you will gain a level of experience, these mod's equivalent of BIT.TRIP's MULTI +.
The higher the mode you are, the harder it is to mode up (for example, you only need 1 core to mode up from NETHER to HYPER, but you need 7 to mode up from GIGA to META.)
The BIT.TRIP franchise is made by Choice Provisions
The mode text were stolen from u/SBEMAILIURIZED on Reddit. (Original post) They're just a still version because MCreator doesn't allow animated textures in overlay
General changes:
- Gave unique core sounds to all the modes
- Fixed the bug where you would still mode down even if you were shielding
- Fixed the logo because it looked funky
- 1.20.4 Support