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In development
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Welcome to BIG. I used the Bad Mod Idea Generator by @LapisPhoenix (Go to Generator). It's kinda dumb but kinda cool too.
Changed Block Datas:
- If you destroy fire, it'll drop 5 Diamonds.
- If you destroy Coal, it just explodes.
- If you destroy Leafes, you get a nether Star (welp)
- If you destroy Dandellions or Poppys, you will get a Diamond.
- Trees may heal you. Try out how. (Just break logs!)
- If you destroy fully-growen Potatoes or Carrots you get Sun.
Changed Entity Data/AI:
- Sheep will turn into Bedrock
- Chicken will turn into Water
- RIP Villagers: They just explode.
- Horses are super fast.
- Squids are yeeted out of the world.
- Slimes are invisible.
- The Dragon is allergic to coal. Well... Just hold coal in his range.
- Zombies got yeeted to the Squids.
- Zombified Piglins and Skeletons turn into Grass. wow.
- Let the Cat's diamonds go to you. (SECRET FEATURE)
Changed Armor Data/AI:
- Chain Armor instantly breaks when hitted with a Fist.
Changed Item Data/AI:
- Milk is Fuel now. Holds longer than Lava.
- You can now craft Dark Oak to Normal Oak and reverse using Black/white Dye.
- Wheat is fuel now.
- You can craft wheat now: Grass + Seeds + Wood Hoe + bonemeal
- Enderpearls kill anyone on touch.
New Items, Tools, Entities, Armor etc. Data/AI:
- You can now make Dirt Tools. (Dirt yk)
- You can now make Coal Tools (Coal)
- You can now make Mushroom Tools (Red Mush Blocks!)
- You can now make Nether Star Tools. (Nether Stars yk)
- And you can make Snow Tools. (Snow BLOCKS!)
- Changed AI Settings for the Night
- The Moon can kill you. Stay inside every night.
- Mobs spawn 10% quicker then normal.
- New Slime Tool: Breaks Beacons faster.
- New Sun and new Snowflake actually do nothing.
- New Throwable Sword: Craftable like Dirt Sword or not (Random)