To access the Astral dimension you need to build the Astral Portal. The portal is built like the nether portal, but instead of obsidian you need at least 10 Glowing Obsidian and it can be activated with a Steel and Dust.
The dimension contains 11 new biomes:
Lunar Spikes:
-New biome composed of Lunar Soil and Moonstone
-Generates Moonfoam, Large & Small Solar Shrub patches, Void Eggs, Small & Large Lunar Spikes and Lunar Base Ruins
-Spawns Ghost Jellyfishes and Void Centipedes
Jelly Glass:
Jelly Glass is a special type of glass, having an unique texture and can be obtained when broken without silk touch. To craft one, first you have to find a Ghost Jellyfish. These mobs spawn in Sludgy Wastelands, Dead Coral Reefs and Lunar Spikes.
They drop Ghost Jelly which is a key item to create Jelly Glass. You will also need 1 Colored Stained Glass.
But that's not all! If you craft or find an Astranite Cauldron, you can apply patterns to these blocks. Currently, there are 4 Patterns: Pillar, Present, Flower and Portal. 1 Astranite Cauldron is always present within an Electric Swamp Hut.
Fiery Forest:
-Generates Luminous Trees, Lava Wells, Huge Fiery Mushrooms and Amethyst Sanctuaries.
-Spawns Magma Cubes, Fiery Hummingbirds and Fiery Cows.
Fiery Birch Forest:
-Generates fiery birch trees, fiery bushes and Amethyst Sanctuaries.
-Spawns Fiery Cows, Fiery Hummingbirds and Magma Cubes
Dead Coral Reef
-Generates Amethyst Sanctuaries.
-Spawns bonefishes at night
-Contains dead corals, dead seageass, dead kelp and soul themed blocks
Electric Swamp:
-Generates Electric trees, Fossils, Huge Mushrooms and Oak trees
-Spawns Pigails, Frogs and Storm Wisps
-Contains gravel patches, flowers, electric vines and mushrooms
Faded Electric Swamp:
-Floor is made out of Electrified Moss and Lunar Soil
-Faded Spikes, Floating Islands, Faded Fortresses generate here similar to Faded Islands biomes.
-Pigails and Frogs can spawn here naturally.
Volcanic Postrum Reef:
-Floor is made out of Dead Postrum and Faded Stone
-Giant Magma Cubes spawn here
-Generates Infernal Monuments, Twisted Corals, Floating Lava Islands, Lava Lakes, Magma Block clusters
Amethyst Meadow:
-Generates Amethyst spikes, Amethyst geodes, Wisteria Trees
-Spawns Amethyst crawlers
-Generates Amethyst Sanctuaries
Amethyst Sanctuary:
-Can be found in the Amethyst Meadows
-Contains unique loot
-Spawns Amethyst Knights
-Amethyst Knights can be killed by deactivating the 4 Postrum Eyes with an Astral Eye.
-3 Variants: Hallways, Garden, Library
Backpacks have 16 inventory slots that can store items up to a stack of 16.
Harsh Backpacks have 24 inventory slots that can store items up to a stack of 32. Also, they don't burn in lava and fire.
The Void Titan:
-Boss mob
-Spawned by an Astral Altar
-Has 4 Attacks:
-Void Charge: Shoots a projectile that explodes on impact.
-Healing Totem: A hostile mob that heals the Titan and shoots fireballs at the player.
-Void Golems: A fyling hostile mob that attacks the player. Spawns an exploding Mine when it dies.
-Void Worm Eggs: When they hatch Void Worms are spawned.
-Drops Gloomy Obsidian, Titan Helmet, Obsidian and Void gems.
To summon it first you have to locate a Void Egg. These structures can generate rarely in Amethyst Meadows, Lunar Spikes and Astral Badlands.
Every Void Egg contains a Void Portal on top of it.
Place a Void Pillar above the portal, then place an Astral Altar on top of the Pillar.
After you place the Altar the Void Titan will appear with a huge explosion very soon...
Astral Badlands:
-Contains dead bushes, Astral Gold Ore, Small cacti & Fiery cacti
-Generates Glowstone craters, Red Sandstone towers, Mineshafts

Sludgy Wasteland:
-Spawns Ghost Jellyfish, Void Centipedes.
-Generates Fossiles, Tormented Trees, White Pumpkins, Tormented Mansions

Faded Islands:
-Contains floating islands made out of Faded Stone
-Generates Faded Fortresses, Infested Cathedrals
-Contains sand patches, Lush Bulbs, Lush Bushes, Faded spikes
-Spawns Void centipedes
Faded Fortress:
Faded fortresses are floating structures generating in Faded Islands biomes.
The structure is inhabited by Slurkers.
6 Shade Chests can be found here each containing some pretty cool loot.
Blooming Dread blocks can be found in these chests.
These can be used to grow 3 seeds found in structures across the Astral dimension.
Lava Wells contain Red Chilli Seeds:
Red Chilli seeds are used to grow Red Chilli that when eaten, inflict Fire Trail effect.
Tormented Mansions contain Ghoulish Seeds:
Ghoulish seeds are used to grow Saturation Berries that when eaten, inflict Saturation and Weakness effect.
Lunar Base Ruins contain Lunar Beetroot Seeds:
Lunar Beetroot Seeds are used to grow Lunar Beetroots that when eaten highlights nearby mobs with glowing effect.
You can also bake some fancy cakes using these magical crops. These have 5 slices, each slice restores 2 hunger and applies potion effects.
Infested Cathedral:
Can be found in the Faded Islands biome.
Visit this place after you defeat the Void Titan.
This mysterious structure holds a dark secret within.
Curseforge link:
Volcanic Postrum Reef:
-Floor is made out of Dead Postrum and Faded Stone
-Giant Magma Cubes spawn here
-Generates Infernal Monuments, Twisted Corals, Floating Lava Islands, Lava Lakes, Magma Block clusters
Faded Electric Swamp:
-Floor is made out of Electrified Moss and Lunar Soil
-Faded Spikes, Floating Islands, Faded Fortresses generate here similar to Faded Islands biomes.
-Pigails can spawn here naturally.
Infernal Monument:
-Generates in Volcanic Postrum Reefs
-Contains Postrum Cells
Dead Postrum:
-Currently used only for decoration.
-Contains Ectoplasm which can be obtained by right clicking on the block with the Jailor's Scythe.
Postrum Cell:
-Spawner type block
-Can be damaged with an Astral Eye
-Has 4 Stages, in which it can summon the following mobs:
Stage 1: Zombie, Skeleton, Husk, Fried Zombie, Witch
Stage 2: Silverfish, Husk, Magma Cube, Fried Zombie, Witch, Scourge, Smash Beetle, Flamethrower
Stage 3: Fried Zombie, Corrupted Astral Golem, Keeper, Witch, Scourge, Smash Beetle, Flamethrower
Stage 4: Scourge, Smash Beetle, Flamethrower
-After all 4 stages are finished, the block will deactivate.
Jailor's Scythe:
-Can be crafted using a Redstone Dust, a Stick and 2 Postrum Scales
-Can be repaired with Postrum Scales
-Can be obtained by right clicking on Postrum blocks with the Jailor's Scythe.
-Using an Astral Amulet while the player is holding an Ectoplasm in the off-hand slot creates a bridge made out of Ectoplasm Blocks. These blocks break in a short period of time.
Postrum Scales:
-Can obtained from Scourges and Smash Beetles
Twisted Coral:
-Emits light
Twisted Coral Block:
-Dies in water
-Currently used only for decoration.
Dead Twisted Coral Block:
-Dead variant of Twisted Coral Block.
-Can only be used for decoration.
Electrified Saddle:
-Can be crafted using 8 Electric Tears and a Saddle
-Can be used to ride Pigails without shells
Corrupted Astral Stone:
-Generates deep underground in the Astral dimension.
-More difficult to break than regular Astral Stone
-Can be cured with a Void Eater
-Spawns from Postrum Cells
-Hostile Mob
-Has 30 HP
-Immune to fire, drowning and fall damage
-Drops Postrum Scales and Twisted Corals
-Spawns from Postrum Cells
-Hostile Mob
-Shoots fire at players
-Has 55 HP
-Immune to fire, drowning and fall damage
-Drops Astranite Ingots, Glowstone Dust, Raw Gold and Raw Astranite
Smash Beetle:
-Spawns from Postrum Cells
-Hostile arthropod mob
-Has 48 HP
-Immune to fire, drowning and fall damage
-Drops Redstone Dust, Magma Cream and Postrum Scales
Solar Bear:
-Neutral mob
-Can be ridden with a saddle
-Void centipedes are scared of it
-Spawns in Lunar Canyon, Faded Islands, Fiery Forest, Fiery Birch Forest and Sludgy Wasteland biomes
-Solar Bears follow players if they are holding a Solar Shrub
-Undead hostile mob originally added in 1.5
-Has 28 HP and it is equipped with an elite bubble blower.
-Spawns in Lunar Base Ruins
-Drops Moonbubbles, Rotten Flesh, Raw Astranite and Iron Nuggets upon death
Elite Bubble Blower:
-Ranged weapon originally added in 1.5
-Can now be obtained in survival by killing Lunatics
-Uses Moonbubbles as ammo
Hot Cake:
-Cannot be eaten as an item in the hotbar, similar to vanilla cakes it must first be placed.
-This block has five slices.
-Each slice restores 2 hunger and applies fire trail effect.
-Can be found rarely in Lunar Base chests.
-Can be crafted using 2 Milk buckets, an Egg, 3 Wheat, a Magma Cream, a Red chili and an Ectoplasm.
Sparkly Cake:
-Cannot be eaten as an item in the hotbar, similar to vanilla cakes it must first be placed.
-This block has five slices.
-Each slice restores 2 hunger and causes nearby entities to glow.
-Can be found rarely in Tormented Mansions.
-Can be crafted using 2 Milk buckets, an Egg, 3 Wheat, a Lunar beetroot, a Sugar and an Ectoplasm.
Ghoulish Pie:
-Cannot be eaten as an item in the hotbar, similar to vanilla cakes it must first be placed.
-This block has five slices.
-Each slice restores 2 hunger, applies saturation and weakness effect.
-Can be found rarely in Electric Swamp Huts.
-Can be crafted using a Wheat, an Egg, 1 White Pumpkin, 1 Berry Of Saturation, a Sugar and 2 Ectoplasm.
5 New Paintings:
The Egg 16x16 painting
Eruption 59x44 painting
Hall of the Jailor 64x64
Devastation 64x64 painting
Pinky 32x16
Fixed empty height range error
Sun Pillar:
-Can be crafted using 4 Burning Shards
Fiery Bich Wood
-Can be crafted by using 4 Fiery Bich Log
-Can now be crafted by using 9 Moonbubbles
Soggy Log:
-Has an animated texture
Harsh Backpack:
-Requires 1 Void Gem instead of a Void Shard item.
Astral Amulet:
-No longer summons Golden Skulls
-Using it while the player is holding a Golden Bone in the off-hand slot inflicts Regeneration and Haste effect.
-Using it while the player is holding an Ectoplasm in the off-hand slot creates a bridge made out of Ectoplasm Blocks. These blocks break in a short period of time.
Golden Skull mob:
Long Way Home advancement:
Large & Small Solar Shrub:
-Are no longer flammable
Amethyst Meadows:
-No longer generates Amethyst Geodes underground
Elite Bubble Blower:
-Uses a new 2D model instead of the old 3D model
Void Centipede:
-Reduced hp from 40 to 32
-Damage from 4 to 2
-XP from 10 to 5
-Runs away from Solar Bears
-Can shoot soul flames at players
Wither Rose Painting:
-Changed texture