Amoled Dark Theme

Supported MCreator versions
EAP 2021.2.23417
Tags / plugin type
Amoled Dark Theme icon show in the UI theme tab
Upvotes: 9
About the plugin

This theme is a submission for the 2021.2 theme contest.

Amoled Dark Theme

This new plugin adds an amoled dark theme for MCreator 2021.2, inspired by Reddit, Android and Discord amoled themes.

This theme is perfect for late nights. MCreator's green is replaced by a light blue color, and the gray parts are replaced with black. Some icons have also been changed to fit the color scheme of the theme!

If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to add a comment to this post ! I read all of them :)


How to download and use it:

1) Download the plugin at the bottom of this post

2) In MCreator, go to Preferences (Ctrl+Shift+P) > Manage Plugins > Load Plugin

3) Load the plugin

4) Restart MCreator

5) In MCreator, go to Preferences (Ctrl+Shift+P) > UI themes

6) Chose the Amoled Dark Theme

7) Restart MCreator


WorkspaceBlock PropertiesBlock TriggersGUI Editor

Project members
Lead developer
All Rights Reserved

Plugin downloads
Amoled Dark Theme 1.0 - Amoled Dark 1.0.zipUploaded on: 06/05/2021 - 12:07   File size: 514 KB


We have decided to open a submission form for the themes contest to get a better insight into the themes that entered the submission. Enter on in order to participate with your theme.