TetraLibs is a plugin that allows you to have the TetraLibs mod API but also to implement several procedure blocks.
Add RandomItem class which allows you to have a random item (compatible with other mods and Minecraft)
Add RandomBlock class which allows you to have a random block (compatible with other mods and Minecraft)
Add RandomEffect class which allows you to give a random effect to an entity (compatible with other mods and Minecraft)
Add RandomEnchantment class which allows you to give a random enchantment to an item (compatible with other mods and Minecraft)
Add ConsoleColors enum which allows you to have the colors in ascii
Add SuperLog class which allows you to send messages in the customizer console and also to be able to write to files
Add TeamUtil class which allows you to play with teams (Get & Set)
Add InventoryManager class that allows you to manage player inventory
Add NumberConverter class which allows you to convert a number into a converted number, example 1000 -> 1k
Add MobUtil class that allows you to play with entities (Attributes)
Add Util class which is useful
Add Userdata class which allows you to manage data of entities
Add DataManager class which allows you to manage datas
Add EconomyManager class which allows you to manage economys
Note: On NeoForge 1.20.4 RandomItem, RandomBlock, RandomEffect & RandomEnchantment is actually not available beacause i am actually learn NeoForge !
-Updated to NeoForge
-Added EconomyManager class
-Added DataManager class
-Added somes economys procedures
-Crash on joining server fixed
-Fixed not working on servers
-Added get_player_name procedures (get raw name of player)
-Added get_team_players_number
-Added Userdata class
-Added EconomyManager (empty, coming soon)
-SOmes class modified
-Added get_team_name of entity
-Fixed somes dependencies
-NeoForge is coming soon (I haven't implemented the latest changes)
-Fixed coordinate from spawn_item_fixed, x_fixed and z_fixed
-Added procedures to neoforge
-Additions of some dependencies in certain procedures
-Added a procedure which allows an item to appear on the ground but with the correct coordinates, I mean that before it appeared in the blocks
-Added a procedure that allows you to have x but fixed
-Added a procedure that allows you to have z but fixed
-MobUtil class fixed
-TeamUtil update
-Added somes procedures blocks for teams
-Added MobUtil class
-Added fr_FR lang
-Support for NeoFore 1.20.4
-Support for MCreator 2024.1
"C:\Users\USERNAME\MCreatorWorkspaces\WORKSPACE\src\main\java\de\staku\WORKSPACE\procedures\IronRingBaubleEquippedProcedure.java:12: error: incompatible types: Entity cannot be converted to LivingEntity
MobUtil.setBaseMaxHealth(entity, ((entity instanceof LivingEntity _livEnt ? _livEnt.getMaxHealth() : -1) + 3));
C:\Users\USERNAME\MCreatorWorkspaces\WORKSPACE\src\main\java\de\staku\WORKSPACE\procedures\IronRingBaubleUnequippedProcedure.java:12: error: incompatible types: Entity cannot be converted to LivingEntity
MobUtil.setBaseMaxHealth(entity, ((entity instanceof LivingEntity _livEnt ? _livEnt.getMaxHealth() : -1) - 3));
dose'nt let you change players MaxHealth
Still doesn't work :S
"C:\Users\Ethan\MCreatorWorkspaces\vortexcraft_neo\src\main\java\de\staku\vortexcraft\procedures\SetHealthProcedure.java:11: error: incompatible types: Entity cannot be converted to LivingEntity
MobUtil.setBaseMaxHealth(entity, 20);
But I got it fixed with custom code idk if you can use it but here maybe it helps to fix it
send all error pls