World Renderer 1.4.6 [Forge 1.19.4 / 1.20.1]

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Global triggers
World Renderer
Upvotes: 72
About the plugin

This plugin allows you to render objects on the sky and world

Event triggers:

World Renderer adds some event triggers

  • "Render world"
  • "Render sky"
  • "Render fog"
  • "Compute fog color"
  • "Compute fog density" (Forge 1.14.4 / 1.15.2 / 1.16.5 / 1.17.1)
  • "Compute FOV"
  • "Compute camera angles"

You can render objects using these procedures in the sky

  • "Render abyss"
  • "Render deep sky"
  • "Render overworld"
  • "Render moon"
  • "Render regular polygon"
  • "Render sky box"
  • "Render stars"
  • "Render sun"
  • "Render sunlights"
  • "Render texture"


How to use:

MCreator 2022.3 / 2023.1 / 2023.3

MCreator 2023.4



v1.4.6 - Forge 1.19.4 / 1.20.1

Fixed some bugs


v1.4.5 - Forge 1.19.4 / 1.20.1

Added an event trigger "Set effects", which can disable clouds, sky, rain/snow, etc. Also, procedure templates is available

Added a procedure "Set cloud height"

Added a procedure "Set ground effects"

Added a procedure "Set sky type"

Added a procedure "Set forced bright lights"

Added a procedure "Set constant ambient lights"

Fixed some bugs 



This plugin supports Forge 1.19.4 / 1.20.1

Source code repository:

World Renderer -

Custom Sky Plugin -

MIT License

Plugin downloads
World Renderer 1.0.0 for MCreator 2022.3 - Forge 1.14.4 - WorldRenderer_1.0.0_2022.3_1.14.4.zipUploaded on: 01/03/2024 - 04:02   File size: 68.23 KB
World Renderer 1.1.0 for MCreator 2022.3 - Forge 1.15.2 / 1.16.5 / 1.17.1 - WorldRenderer_1.1.0_2022.3_1.15.2_1.16.5_1.17.1.zipUploaded on: 09/10/2023 - 04:04   File size: 131.26 KB
World Renderer 1.1.2 for MCreator 2023.3 - Forge 1.18.2 / 1.19.2 - WorldRenderer_1.1.2_2023.3_1.18.2_1.19.2.zipUploaded on: 01/03/2024 - 04:06   File size: 98.22 KB
World Renderer 1.4.6 for MCreator 2023.4 - Forge 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 - WorldRenderer_1.4.6_2023.4_1.19.4_1.20.1.zipUploaded on: 01/17/2024 - 07:47   File size: 169.88 KB


its not a problem on your plugin tbh (the memory 'leak' and the cloud thing), the only thing you prb should know is that your Render Clouds procedures are pretty much without function atm because the vanilla clouds are being generated plus your clouds, so you got 2 sets of clouds, could you tell me just this;
Does your dimensions (when u generate) on your workspace there, they come with clouds by default?
and what happens when you render your clouds with your procedures? this is all i need to know at this point

just reporting about the memory leak; i found several people with the same problem and i think biome weirdness and continentalness affect it, because i change those values and its now not leaking anymore, also its not a very good idea to set gravity on blocks (like sand) on new dimension generations, i changed that too to be sure.

Vanilla cloud is not disabled by default. However, you can disable it using an event trigger "Set effects" (v1.4.7 above). A procedure "Render clouds" can render new clouds. If vanilla clouds is not disabled, 2 clouds will be rendered

oooh i see now, Graphic - Set Effect trigger + set Effect procedure! thank you so much finally LOL :D

all i did was this: did i set it right or do i need more stuff? thanks again!

22:22.18 [Server thread/WARN] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2345ms or 46 ticks behind

man idk what is going on, now i got major memory leaks or somethig in some dimensions i generate using your render sky, the game fps drops to 1-2 and it frezee the game until i have to quit

is there any guide for the rain procedures? how to make rain the color i want on my custom dimension?

Is there a possibility that you could package some of the old code from 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 in to the latest packages? As I support several versions I would like to use this plugin but can't for that reason, I understand not being able or wanting to port all new features back to old versions but maybe packaging some of the old ones making some of the features work for older versions?