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A mod that adds more block types to already existing blocks and more.
This Mod is in Beta and some textures will be changed or updated, with more blocks to come in the future.
Concrete Blocks:
This mod adds new variates to concrete in the form of stairs and slabs for all colours for better building. The recipes have the normal stair and slab crafting recipe and can be made with a stonecutter.
Mosaic Blocks:
All the wood blocks have their Mosaic style with a new texture, and stairs and slabs variants as well. To get them all you have to do is use 2 slabs of the wood type in a crafting table, and stairs and slabs have normal recipes.
Chiseled Wooden Planks:
A second new way to use your wood these blocks are blighter for build to look brighter. This blocks come in Stairs, Slabs, Fences, and Fence Gates. Chiseled Wood is crafted in a carpenter table or with 4 slabs of the type of wood in a crafting table.
More Tiles:
Just how Deepslate has tile blocks this mod adds tile blocks to most stone blocks in vanilla minecraft and 2 blocks that have been added with this mod.
Path Blocks:
A new way to decorate your world, instead of just using a grass path block. There are 8 types so far: Stone, Brick, Blackstone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Limestone, and Soulstone. The recipe to craft them is the same as the door recipe but with Stone, Brick, Blackstone, or etc. Also you can craft them in a stonecutter as well but get less of them
Mineral Blocks:
A new way to show how rich you are using a stonecutter you can craft Stairs and Slabs out of the following mineral blocks: Iron, Gold, Emerald, Diamond, and Netherite. These are new blocks are also able to power a beacon.
Concrete Bricks:
A new concrete block. This is a new form of Brick added by crafting 4 concrete blocks into a 2x2 or using a block in the stonecutter. This Block Also has both Stairs and Slab blocks.
Carpenter Table and Villager Profession:
A new kind of table that is used for crafting most vanilla wood blocks and most added with this mod. The crafting recipe is 5 planks in the shape of a boat, an iron axe in the middle, and 3 leather on the top. With this block you are able to get a new villager profession called the carpenter which trades log or stripped logs for emeralds, and emeralds to get planks or mosaic blocks.
A new stone choice with this you can get a full stone set with stairs, slabs and walls. Also comes in a polished version as well with stairs, and slabs as well. With limestone you are able to craft statues made of limestone.
Soul Stone:
A new version of stone based on Soul Sand and Soul Soil. Has Cobbled Version, Brick Type and the new Tiles block type. Only Spawns in Soul Sand Valleys replacing netherrack
A new way to decorate your world with a two tall block that can be used to tell stories and make your world fell alive
Version 1.0.0
-Limestone Path
-Soul Stone Path
-Chiseled Planks for all types of Planks
-Chiseled Plank Stairs for all types of Planks
-Chiseled Plank Slab for all types of Planks
-Chiseled Fences for all wood types
-Chiseled Fence Gates for all wood types
-Mob Statue Creeper Statue
-Soul Jack o’Lantern recipe changed to match jack o’lantern recipe
-Carpenter Table:
-Change GUI size
-Overhauled how the table works
-Can now crafted all wood blocks
-Added sound to when a block is crafted
-Added In 2 new crafting screens to craft Doors, Trapdoors, Fences, and Fence Gates
-Carpenter Villager
-Changed Work Sound
-Reworked all trades
-Tweaked Carpenter Table texture
-All soul stone recipes are now fixed
These look pretty good. I'm surprised this isn't more popular