This mod adds... Things:
!!! Required GeckoLib and CuriosAPI !!!

Geodes and geodites
Upon killing a mob in any of the 3 dimensions, a geode of respectful stone type has a slim chance to drop. Overworld has stone and deepslate geodes, nether has netherrack and blackstone geodes, end has only one geode. Geodes can be cracked open by right-clicking them with any pickaxe in the offhand, pickaxe has a change to lose durability, Unbreaking enchantment further decreases the chance. Additionally, for each geode, there is a Geodite of it's type. Geodites are blocks, rock formations with geodes inside them. Geodites are extremely rare, and therefore valuable. Geodite block drops 4-8 geodes upon mining, but can be picked up with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe. By placing a Drill block (crafted with iron, obsidian, comparators and voidquartz block) below it, drill will start producing a single geode per minecraft day, indefinetely, thus making it a slow middle-game ore farm.

Giant spider
Sorrow Spire
In the Nether, a lonely grim steeple towers above the lava ocean...
Sorrow Spire is a structure intended to be looted after clearing nether fortresses and before obtaining netherite. It is a stealth-based dungeon with mobs attacking you only if you disturb their peace. It generates at the lava sea level in any Nether biome.

Vases come in 2 variants: ancient (generate in dungeons and drop some loot, including potsherds) and decorative (crafted with potsherds and clay, drop themselves upon destroying)
Twiffle is a shroom, multiblock organism. Each twiffle block has a hunger and thirst bar, and all adjusted blocks form a network, where nutrients and moisture are distributed. Each random tick, twiffle checks for 'food' or 'water' block next to it and increases respective bar. Twiffle takes as food: logs, leaves, hay bales, bone blocks, fungi and warts. Twiffle takes as water: water, ice, snow, wet sponge. If twiffle block has enough nutrients and moisture, it might spend those to grow a twiffle shroom next to it. These shrooms can be harvested as twiffle lumps, which is a very nutrutios food, granting hunger points of a steak with some bonus saturation. Time to become cave farmers! Twiffle shrooms can be bonemealed to grow twiffle blocks, which can be used to move and expand your twiffle colony. Initial twiffle shroom needed for starting can be found in dungeon chests, caves and purchased from a travelling merchant.
i WOULD add info about all the other features, but this website just isn't letting me to do so. Some random words are 'not allowed'.
Added configuration files
Reworked Sorrow Spire
Removed all magic content (overhaul in development)
Abyss quartz can be placed on all sides of blocks
Abyss quartz blocks grow abyss quartz clusters when touching bedrock at overworld's bottom
Runes are now used to summon elementals
Ametrine recipe changed
Earth set passively regenerates health of owner and nearby non-monster mobs
Fire set burns monsters who are aggressive towards owner in a radius
FRRR its soo beautiful, its mainly when the darker the color goes, the saturation increases and the hue also shifts, it depends on the color scheme youre going to red -- purple. i be an artist too so its very amazing to see people use those skills to create amazing textures
The way theyve done it is by shaping the objects nicely, 2nd the way they shaded is like the color goes darker, but the hue also shifts. ya need a good gradient for that, for instance, red - purple OR blue - green, whcih is how they created these epic textures, the shadow also shows how the item is shaped, its all about shape and colouring. :D
i did not know it was a mcreater mod untill i started mcreator