Welcome to: PacVader1234's Far Ends: Ender Expansion
Disclaimer: This mod has no mobs yet because the fabric generator that I'm using does not yet support custom java models. This mod uses fabric to make the end biomes.
Chorus Forest:
This new biome has a new wood type: Chorus Wood, and some new plants. The wood types in the end are so strong, that they cannot be stripped, or mined without an axe.
End Wilds:
This new biome has a new mushroom type: Wildshrooms. These spawn in little patches, and you can combine a bowl with 2 wildshrooms in a crafting table and make wildshroom stew. There is also this plant called a wildstalk which could be crafted into wild sugar.
Perthon Forest:
New wood type: Perthon Wood, other types of plants for the biome.
Crystal Valley:
A biome FILLED with the Enderial Crystals. These crystals don't do anything yet but let me know what I should do with them!
End Desert:
A dry part of the end where no plants spawn, but there is a magenta sand.
Void Forest
New Void Wood, a forest with no leaves on the trees. Hmm it reminds me of something.
Orandum Plains:
A new biome with orandum nylium and wood.
When you mine silver ore, you get raw silver, smelt raw silver.
You will get a silver ingot you can craft it into a Block of Silver
You can use a stonecutter to craft different types of silver blocks
When you mine malacite ore, smelt the raw malacite
Then, once you have the ingots you can make malacite tools and blocks.
Oh, and you can make a raw malacite block
Ender Charms:
You can make special charms that give you different effects. Thank you Andygun11 for giving me this idea.
Fire Res Charm:
That is how you craft the charm. Have it in your inventory to give you fire res.
Effect Example:
Night Vision Charm:
This charm gives you night vision.
Speed Charm:
This charm gives you speed.
Strength Charm:
This one makes you strong.
All effects at once:
Other Features:
End Caves:
Other Small Updates:
Better Nylium Textures:
That is all the content for now, expect more on the way!
Version 1.2.0:
- Added Orandum Plains
- Better Nylium Textures
- End Caves
Version 1.1.0:
- Added Ender Charms
Version 1.0.0:
- Added everything in first release
The crystals remind me of enchantments and other things like that, so maybe you could use them to craft different enchantments? maybe a book, and then some crystals surrounding it in the crafting table?
C = Crystal
B = Book
S = Special Ingredient
Custom Enchantment Book
How did you get biomes in the end?